Chapter 19

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I groaned and rolled over, hugging something soft and warm. I sighed, this feeling of wholeness is something I wanted to feel forever. It felt right. My eye snapped open and looked down at what I thought was a pillow, but was Tatum. She was snuggled into my arms. Her hair all over the place. I had to admit, I liked the black on her. It looked good.

I smiled and watched her. The way she sort of whimpered in her sleep, scrunching her face up if something in her dream scared her. I loved the way she looked in her sleep. She's so pretty; I love her so much, now I just have to get her to see that.

I laid in bed with my mate, letting my mind return to my sister. Lizzy, how is everything going?

I felt her flutter of annoyance. Just peachy Vince. Did you find her yet?

My sister liked to get right to the punch. Yes I found her. I'll be spending three weeks here. With her.

My sister growled at me. You can't stay that long Vince, the pack needs their Alpha. Not the Alpha's sister.

I groaned. I have to. Tatum is giving me one chance, and I have to take it. Let me know when the entire pack is up. I'll contact them and try to take care most of the business from here. I'll take most of the stress from you Lizzy. I'm sorry that this is happening.

She sighed. I'm sorry Vince that your mate is being mean. I wish I could talk to her, I'd give her a piece of my mind, you know I would.

I growled at her. Watch it Lizzy. She isn't being mean, just cautious. I don't blame her though; she needs to do what is best for her. I looked down at her, she was still sleeping.

Lizzy sighed. I understand bro. I'll be here if you need me.

I sighed and looked down at Tatum one last time before I untangled myself and slipped out of the room. I groaned, and went into the bed room Tate had given me. I quickly changed into clean clothes and brushed my teeth. Returning to the bed room before heading into the kitchen. I should make her breakfast.

I walked down the hall, hearing voices in the kitchen. "What would you have me do Kane?"

Kane spoke low. I almost didn't make out what he said. "Anything, anything but what you're thinking!"

I stepped around the corner, to find the guys sitting at the table with coffee in front of them. "Morning."

They all nodded at me. I grabbed a cup of coffee and then paused. What did Tate usually eat in the morning? Did she eat in the morning? I sighed. This might be difficult.

Damien chuckled. "She likes tea and sometimes eggs n toast."

I nodded and went to the fridge, pulling out some eggs, a package of bacon and some honey. I looked around until I located the skillet and frying pan. Turning the stove on, I filled the kettle and took out several plates and a cup for her.

I was half way through cooking the eggs when she came in. I had to do a double take. She looked so adorable. Her bed head had gotten a little worse. She was wearing an over-sized sweater it looked like and some boy shorts. She smiled lazily and stepped into the room.

"Morning guys." She yawned.

Damien smiled. "Morning sleepy head."

I glared at him, but smiled before looking at Tate. "Morning love." I put the eggs and bacon onto a plate, just as the kettle began screaming. I poured some water into the cup and let the Purple Acai and Blueberry tea bag soak. "I made you breakfast."

She smiled and sat down; I put the food in front of her. "Thanks so much Vince. This is so amazing!" She kissed my cheek and I smiled triumphantly at Damien, who glared at me in return.

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