Chapter 15.

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I let out a growl of aggravation. Why did Rosalie have to be so stubborn? I had already announced that I'd found my mate. Why did she think it was her? It would never be her in a million years. She had to know that.

Someone knocked on my office door. "Come in!" I barked.

My beta Colton came in. "You wanted to see Rosalie?"

I nodded and he brought her in, setting her in front of my desk. I nodded and he left. No doubt sticking close, should I have need of him. "What is wrong with you?!" I growled at her.

She just smirked. "We are mates Vincent. Everything is wrong! You should not have run away from me!"

I growled at her, Vane was itching to get out. "You were never my mate Rosalie, and I am not yours."

She sighed and got up. "I felt something with you Vincent. How can you not see that?"

I glared at her. God this bitch is delusional. "Sit down Rosalie! You are in the presence of your Alpha, not another member of the pack!" I ordered her.

She sat immediately. "Vincent I-"

I snarled at her. "That's Alpha to you Rosalie. You are not a friend nor are you my mate!" I would beat this into her if that's what it would take. As it was she was taking valuable time away from me and Tatum. Tatum is all that mattered.

She laughed. "Oh, Alpha Vincent. This little Rogue bitch has got you wrapped around her little finger, hasn't she?"

I lunged across my desk and smacked her. "You will not talk about my mate like that Rosalie. Besides the point of announcing to my pack that you are my mate, when you are so obviously not, you have tried to get rid of my sister! I put her in charge, because she knows the duties of an Alpha. You do not know them. You have no right to the title. It is my choice who I put in charge while I am away, not yours!" I snarled at her.

Her eyes were alive with hurt, betrayal and defiance. "You are too close to this girl. You don't even know her, yet you follow after her like a lost little puppy. You are becoming whipped and you haven't even been with her!" She laughed. "I think you are unfit to be our Alpha. I will do everything in my power to keep my pack safe, as their Female Alpha."

I lost it. I back handed her. Vane was so very close to the surface, I knew that my eyes had already bled out. "If I was unfit to be Alpha, I would have already shifted and killed you. It takes a man and a woman who is stronger than the rest to deal with the stress and power of a pack. If you do not retract your early comments and ask for forgiveness from your alpha, you will be held at a meeting with the elders for your actions!" I snarled. "And you will never be our packs Female Alpha! Our Female Alpha is strong, she is bold, and if she were here, she'd kill you for your disrespect."

She got up from the floor. She put her hands on her hips, a gesture of pure defiance. Was she trying to unleash Vane? Did she want to end up hurt or dead even?

"But she isn't here! Our pack doesn't know her! What makes you think that even where she to have come back with you, that the pack would accept her!?" She screamed at me.

I sighed, trying to calm my wolf. "My pack, would accept her, because besides being strong, bold and dangerous. She is also soft, yielding, and caring. And she will be perfect for my pack. She would not however care for the way you are acting towards your Alpha! And quite frankly, neither do I." I sat back in my chair, waiting for her to sit also.

But she never did the expected. "You have slipped Vincent. I remember when you didn't let anyone treat you the way she does."

I growled. I'd had enough. She will not be welcome here once this is done. "You are right. And I will not allow you to treat me the way you are. I will give you one more chance Rosalie, before I have to take more serious actions against you."

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