I sighed and then realized she was crying. I hadn't meant to make her cry, but I just needed her to forgive me. I just really wanted her to love me. "Shh, Tate's. Please don't cry."

I parked outside of my room. I was about to reach for her when she hastily got out of the car. I followed, opening the motel door. She hurried inside and then collapsed onto the floor. Why do women always cry? It's like a man's biggest weakness.

I picked her up and held her on my lap, "Shhh pretty girl. Tatum, honey please don't cry. I'm sorry I brought it up. I won't bring anything up unless you say it's okay." I rocked her and kissed her forehead.

She looked up at me, her face stained with tears. "I'm j-just so-so sor-sorry!" She burst into another fit of tears. Her small hand clutching onto my shirt as if she was afraid I was going anyway.

I soothed her. "I'll be here Tatum. I promise, I'm not going anywhere. I love you," I kissed her head again and held her tight, rocking every now and then.

I think her crying went on for about thirty minutes or so, before she looked up at me. And then if realizing what happened she hurriedly got up off of my lap. "I am so sorry you had to see that Vincent." She said shakily.

I shook my head, standing. "I'll always be here Tate. You know that, right? Even if you cry on me a million times, I'll still be here to keep you warm, safe and protected." I pulled her into a hug, and it felt so good to have her in my arms.

At first she went stiff, then relaxed into me. "Why does it feel so good to be in your arms? To feel safe and warm? It doesn't feel like this when me and Darius hug, or touch."

I kissed the top of her head. Swallowing the growl that wanted to be let loose. "It's because we are mates Tate. You only feel like this when you are with your Soul Mate. Your other half."

She looked up at me. "I feel like such a pup sometimes Vincent. I don't really understand how to be a human and a wolf at the same time."

I sighed. And it was my fault she felt like this. I would have to teach her, if she were open to it. "Is easy honey, really easy."

She wiggled out of my embrace, which I found completely funny. She glared at me when she finally got free. "You could have let me go."

I shrugged. "You could have just asked. Plus I want to have a little fun with you. You'll be having lots of fun with me."

She scowled. "Hurry up and get your things together will you! I have to make dinner for the guys soon."

I sighed. And then a thought came to me. So I did as she asked, I went around the room and put all my stuff back into my bags. Once I was done I looked around the room, double checking to see if I missed anything, before dropping my bag in front of the room and throwing myself into a chair.

Tatum came into view. Hands on her hips. "Well, is that all?"

I nodded. "I think so. I just need to do one thing."

She nodded. "Alright, maybe I can help."

I grinned. She was falling for it! "Are you ticklish?"

She stared at me then scoffed. "No, I am not."

I grinned evilly at her, which made her take a few steps backwards. I tackled her onto the bed. Pinning her down before gently attacking her sides, in a tickle fight. As soon as I touched her sides she tried to get free of me, the room filling with her laughter.

She squealed. "Vincent! Please, please stop." She couldn't stop laughing as I pretending to bite her sides.

I chuckled. "I'm sorry Tate's, I can't understand you. I think your laughing to hard." I laughed as she struggled trying to get away. I seized attack on her for the moment and that's when she flipped us.

She chuckled. "Ha-ha, gotcha now." She began tickling me, and let me tell you it's a weird feeling getting tickled by a girl.

I let out a cry of laughter as she attacked me and no matter how much I begged she didn't seize her attack on me. She was laughing just about as hard as I was. So I wrapped my legs around her and grabbed her tight before rolling us off the bed. I took the force of the fall when we hit the floor.

She was still laughing and I couldn't help but join her to. "That was uncalled for Vincent!" She laughed.

I shrugged. But rolled over again so I was on top. "Well, you weren't seizing fire!" I laughed with her.

She kept laughing and tugging my hair. "I suppose your right."

I stared down at her, getting lost in her eyes. They were so hypnotizing, and I didn't realize how close I was to her until she pulled my head down and kissed me. It was so passionate and electrifying. She must have felt it to because she moaned softly. I gave into her. I breathed her in, I couldn't help but attack her lips.

I let my hands roam over her body, going under her shirt, my fingers tracing the scars. I pulled away from her lips even as she whimpered. I quickly pulled her shirt off.

"Vincent, what are you doing?" Her voice seemed unsure.

I smiled at her. "Don't worry baby, I'm not going to try anything. I'm going to give you something." I traced over each of the scars with my fingers, counting well over two hundred. Some so deep and wide, I'm amazed she's still alive. I let my tongue trace over a small one.

I felt her body jerk under the contact. "Oh god Vincent. What are you doing to me?" Her voice sounded low and haughty.

I chuckled, pushing my wolf down. "I'm not taking advantage of you if that's what you're afraid of. I'm going to take away some of your scars." I licked another scar on her stomach, causing her to jerk under me again.

She was panting now. "Vincent, you're doing things to my body." She was silent was for a moment. "What do you mean taking away my scars?"

I chuckled. "Only a mate can do this. Because we can heal each other. I can take away a lot of the scars, and make the big dark ones less noticeable."

I felt her relax. "I didn't know that." It sounded like she was crying again. I looked at her face, and saw a few stray tears.

I nodded. I could do this for her. Make her beautiful, as she should be. "I will make you whole again."

It took about an hour and a half to get all the scars. But when she looked at herself in the bath room mirror I knew she was beyond happy. And when she tackled me and hugged me, not letting go for a full ten minutes, and then out of nowhere she kissed me again. I smiled against her mouth. Kissing her back as she lay on top of me.

She backed off and I groaned. "Thank you so much Vincent."

I shrugged. "I want you to feel beautiful Tate, no matter what." And it was true; she deserved to feel completely beautiful.

She sighed and climbed off of me, pulling her shirt back on. "Well, thank you." She looked at the door.

I sighed, picking up on her vibe. "Let's get outta here." I picked my bag up and followed her out of the door. This was going to be a long three weeks indeed. 

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