"Front door." Nic whispered.

"There's two?" I whispered.

"I'm coming up."

"Is the power switch down there?"


"Shut off the power." I instructed.

I heard glass shatter towards the front of the house as Nic assured me the power was now cut.

"We know you're home, the car is still outside." A man's voice taunted after the front door swung open.

"Main kitchen." Nic whispered. I walked to the big dining room as the side door creaked open.

"Just hand over the kids and you might not end up hurt tonight." A voice offered.

I took a deep breath as I assessed the situation. I put my hood on as I slowly made my way towards the main kitchen. When I caught sight of a flashlight I hid behind a wall.

"What did you do with her?" I called out. I heard the footsteps stop and I knew they were both trying to determine my location.

"Who are you?" The one in the kitchen responded.

"I already searched the whole house, she isn't here. Did you take her?"

"Both are in the main kitchen, headed towards the den." Nic whispered.

I slipped back into the dining room and hid between the china cabinet and the bookshelf.

"Where'd she go then?" A man asked.

"I don't know, she stopped answering her phone so I came here to find her. When the power was out I knew something bad must've happened.."

"They're in the den." She whispered.

"Oh yeah?"

"Why'd you come back?"

I could hear their footsteps walk past me as they entered the next room.

"They're in the kids kitchen." Nic told me. I slipped out and returned to the den.

"Where are you?" The man called out.

"Where did you take her?" I yelled. Before going into the pantry.

"Dining room- den- kitchen." Nic whispered.

They must've gotten smart and turned off their flashlights. I heard the light switch flick and smirked to myself as I felt for a can on the shelf and chucked it in that direction.

"Ah fuck! Stupid bitch!" A man winced. I took the opportunity to leave the room and felt my way past the basement door into the kids diningroom. I heard them searching the pantry and the rest of the kitchen for me. I made my way back around the house and stood in the center hallway.

"Headed towards the front door." Nic whispered. "Wait- face the door, I have to find the other one. He's in the kitchen again."

I listened for his footsteps as he approached me in the darkness.

"Where the hell are you?!"

I cocked the gun to answer his question.

He chuckled, "thats funny." He stepped back for a second before turning on his flashlight. The flash blinded me worse than the darkness but I held my composure.

"Boo." I said calmly and shot at the source of the light causing him to drop the phone and yell out in pain. I got quick glimpse of him as the light shined at the ceiling before I stomped his phone to turn it back off.
Before I could do anything else someone grabbed me from behind. I managed to kick the first guy away when he reached for my arm. "Get off of me."

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