"I do, actually. I teach the babies like Ryan. And I'm doing amazing, you?" Rhys sighed.

"Just...taking it one day at a time." He nodded. Trinity tilted her head, a look of sympathy swirling in her eyes.

She felt bad for him. It was hitting her harder knowing the dreams Hoseok's had about Dee's death. Just imagine how Rhys felt.

"But that's all you can do." He said.

"Right. You look amazing." Trinity complimented honestly. Rhys pretended to flip his hair.

"Don't boost me." He said. Trinity laughed, stepping away from the desk.

"Well I won't hold you both for long. You got my number, call me anytime." She said.

"Of course. I've been meaning to catch a break from school. I might be hitting you up for a lunch date or something." He said.

"Oh please do." Trinity said, waving. "See you around. See you later, Ryan."

"Bye!" Rhys exclaimed just as Ryan shouted "see you later, miss Trin!" Causing the girl to smile all the way back to the room.

She honestly loved the idea of getting closer to Rhys. The last they had spent a lot of time together was during Christmas.

There was the occasional talking over social media, but getting closer would also be fun.

He was an amazing person and his vibe was something Trinity did not want to miss out on. Plus it would be really cool if he and hoseok could meet again. That would be adorable.

But for now she would just have to see how it would all play out. With her having school and work and him having classes and such, they had busy schedules.


After work when Hoseok picked Trinity up, as she got in the car she noticed he was on the phone.

Not wanting to interrupt him, she settled for fiddling with his radio and air until he got off the phone.

His words faded in and out. She heard a bunch of numbers and locations being brought up so she associated it with his "work". And after she missed out on so much information, she realized she couldn't keep up and just decided to leave it alone.

"This is something we need to discuss. It's getting out of hand." Hoseok mumbled, looking down at Trinity's hand that hovered over the radio.

"Uh-huh..." he drifted. "Well I'll stay on it but seriously, I'm done dodging this shit and I won't keep taking No for an answer." He said before hanging up the phone.

Trinity raised her brows and slowly moved away from the radio.

"Hey, princess." Hoseok greeted as if he hadn't just swore on the phone.

"Hey hobi. Everything okay?" Trinity asked. Hoseok's kissed his teeth, hitting a sharp turn.

"Everything's fine." He sighed, but she knew it wasn't fine.

She realized she had to take things one step at a time with hoseok. You couldn't ask him too much at one time because it would just make him not want to answer anything at all. Hoseok required a lot of patience which was good for Trinity. She was very careful and patient with people.

His, Always | J.hs (BOOK 2) Where stories live. Discover now