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Dean POV

"But that is impossible." Landon's words were on repeat. "What does he mean by that? I could smell my mates scent on him. Or was I crazy? Did I just make it all up in my mind? If I think about it, I'm strapped in a hospital bed, I have drugs in my body. I also change. Maybe I'm just crazy and hallucinating all of this."

"Try to breathe slower and relax. It's okay. We will soon sort this out." Landon's voice was so smooth again like the first time he asked me if I could speak. He was doing his best to try to calm me down so I wouldn't be freaking out, it was a close call.

Landon was speaking to me again but I couldn't hear a word from his mouth anymore. All my thoughts were about 'was I crazy' or 'I'm dreaming'. I didn't even realize I was left alone in the room.

But all of the sudden my mind stopped thinking about all that, I could smell this faint scent again. My head turned to my left with a speed that I probably stretched a muscle or something because I started to feel a small bit of pain in my neck.

Outside of this door stood Landon and Andre. "That was interesting." Said Landon. But all I could do was to look at Andre. You could easily see that he was uncomfortable and maybe a bit scared. It was also clear that if Andre could decide he wouldn't be here. And that made me feel a little bit guilty but also I felt annoyed. Andre had met my mate, and also touched her.

And I had to know. I know this was the best time and place because if he said what I was terrified of hearing then Landon or some nurse would give me some drugs so I would relax or go back to sleep. That was the best choice I had because if I'm free, maybe I would be able to kill him. "You... Sex?"

"Sex?" Andre was like a question mark. He looks at me and then at Landon like he need help to translate what I just asked him.

Landon understands my question. He could probably see the pain in my eyes. "Dean is wondering if you had had sex recently?"

Andre was in shock. His mouth opened and closed like he couldn't believe what he was hearing. It was a bit taboo to talk about sex with people who had sex with humans. Even if everyone knows, you didn't talk about it. And here are two guys who asked about Andre's sex life and also one of them had hurt him not too long time ago. "I don't feel comfortable talking about that." Was his answer.

I was trying to say something. I need to know. But Landon was helping me out again. "I know. I wouldn't be asking you this if it wasn't important." Again he was using his smooth and calm voice and he was insuring Andre it was okay and we would not judge him.

Andre took a deep breath and said "Two months ago."

I could feel my whole body relaxing after hearing that. Then I know for sure that he hadn't slept with my mate. Because three weeks ago I saw Andre on the training ground and that time he didn't smell like this. So one plus one, it was safe to say he didn't have sex with my mate. "Thanks." The only word that came out of my mouth, what I wanted to say was 'thank God'.

"What is going on?" Andre asked. He was really confused.

"Can I tell him?" Landon looked into my eyes and waited for a sign to see if it was okay to share what he knew.

Without question, I shake my head a yes. Of course, he should know. He knows how my mate is but also he would understand why I react the way I did and maybe after that he could forgive me. But I understand that it would probably take some time but hopefully one day he would understand. Maybe that day he would find his mate.

"I'm not so sure either, to be honest, but I started to believe that Dean had smelled his mates scent on you." Andre opens his mouth to say something but Landon keeps going. "I thought that was impossible to, but now I think I have seen proof with my own eyes."

"What proof?" Said Andre and I were thinking the same. What had he seen?

"When I told Dean it was impossible to smell your mates scents on another person he zoned out. I couldn't reach him. It was like he was somewhere else. He wouldn't react to my voice or touch so I brought in other nurses and doctors but he wouldn't respond. Then I thought I would do a test, if he reacts to you then there is a chance that he could smell something or someone on you."

"But how is that even possible? This must be a coincidence." Andre was trying to deny it but the three of us started to understand that even though it would be impossible it was a very good chance that I was able to do the impossible thing. Smell my mate on another man.

"I don't know if it is possible. But I started to believe that. And I want to try if my theory is right." Landon said confidently that his theory will work. "But before we could do that, you Dean need to get those drugs out of your body. I will give you some more to hurry up the process. When you are clean from the drugs we will come back and get you and then we will see if my theories are correct or not." And with that Landon left the room to find some medicine and there was me and Andre alone in total silence.

After a while Andre said, "I don't like this. " but he said it so quietly so I started to think he talked to himself and not to me. But he still looks at me. You could easily see that he was scared or very uncomfortable about this situation. Maybe he thought that when I was free again without drugs I would change back to this monster and I would try to kill him again.

"I... Won't."

Andre looked away from me for a few seconds then looked back. "How could you be so sure?"

He knows what I talked about. He was scared that I would change. And I need him to understand that, that feeling I had before is gone. "No... Feeling." It hurt like hell to talk but I could feel that this pain was a little bit less painful now.

Not long after comes Landon with some clear bags that again looks like water but I'm pretty sure it is something else and he also had two different syringes. "I think you would be fine for about two or three hours." He said as he looked at Andre.

"Are you not going to release him?" Andre asked.

"No." Landon looked at me so he would be sure that I would be listening. "I think it's best to be on the safe side. Are you okay with that?"

I shake my head a yes. I was okay with that. I could lie down here for a couple of hours, it was okay. If that means that it's a possibility that Landon would find out the reason for this I would not complain. And some part of me knows why I was still strapped to this bed. Because if Landon's theory was right, there was some chance that I would be angry again and maybe change. If that happened it would be easier if I was restrained and couldn't escape because then it would be harder to hurt someone.

"Dean, we have to go now. You are going to be alone for a while." Landon told both me and Andre. "We will come back when you are ready. I think you should fight this on your own. It's not going to hurt you but you could feel a little weird feeling like some bugs crawling under your skin and also have extra energy. But it will soon lie down and you will feel normal again. So don't be worried, everything is normal." When Landon was telling me this he gave me a cord with a red button. "If you need something during this time we are gone, use this red button and soon someone will come to help you."

I shake my head once again a yes. I understand what he was saying. Even if I wasn't very excited about the crawling sensation I was more than ready to experience that. Soon I would be free and hopefully, I would have an answer.

Before they walked out, Landon picked up a syringe he hadn't used yet and was about to inject me when Andre was about to say something but Landon stopped him "We will soon be back." He told me before he inject me.

And with that Landon and Andre walked out. What I miss where the weird and angry looks Andre was giving Landon when they walked out.

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