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Dean POV

I woke up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat. Something was wrong, I could feel it but couldn't point out what it was.

But my thoughts go directly to Sebastian.

In one second I was up from the bed and picked up my phone and called Elizabeth. It was ringing... Voice message. I tried again and once again she didn't pick up.

My heartbeat was beating so fast. I walked around in a circle and saw different scenarios in my head. I tried again. No answer.

If Elizabeth doesn't pick up this time, I would lose it. I dialed her number one last time. After two signals I heard someone accept the call but no one answered. "This wasn't normal." I thought to myself. "Hello?" I asked in a small voice but no one answered me back. But I could hear someone on the other line because I could hear someone breathing heavily. "Sebastian, is it you?" No answers came but I could hear someone start to cry on the other end of the phone and I know in my heart that this must be Sebastian.

All of a sudden the phone call ends. I tried to call again but no answer.

I still felt this feeling in my guts that something was wrong and that Sebastian needs me. And of course, I was worried about why Elizabeth wasn't answering. Maybe something had happened. Maybe some humans robbed them or hurt them?

And that thought made me angry, that it was a possibility that someone was hurting them or using them at this moment. I started to feel how my body wanted to change to my wolf form so I could run as fast as I could to the city and find Sebastian and Elizabeth and then see if everything was okay or not.

But I knew I needed to go outside before I could turn, so I ran as fast as I could to the hallway and opened the door. It happened almost instantly as I took my foot outside, I turned.

When I was done changing I began to run, run to the city. I wasn't capable of closing the door or having time to bring some extra clothes. All I thought about was finding my mate and Elizabeth, but my priority was Sebastian.

I didn't even know what hotel they were staying in, it didn't matter. I would search the whole city if I have to, and I don't care if some humans see me in my wolf form or naked form, I would do whatever it takes to find them.

I had run for over an hour and was soon near the outskirts of the city

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I had run for over an hour and was soon near the outskirts of the city. I haven't stopped once. All I could think about was Sebastian.

All of a sudden I felt an odor. An odor that shouldn't be in the woods. It was Sebastian's scent. It was weak but I could point out that it was him. So I began to follow the scent and speed up my pace. I started to get nervous because why would Sebastian's scent be out here?

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