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POV unknown

Two days have passed since the incident in the hallway. I had the opportunity to speak with Dean so I hurried into his room where Dean was laying for supervision because of the wounds around his neck and his broken ribs. But unfortunately, I didn't get the answers I needed from Dean.

It turned out that Dean just found out that there were mates, he didn't know the boy personally or even know what he looks like. So interrogating Dean was just a waste of time. 

So when I turned around and was about to leave I could hear Dean ask me some questions about the boy that was still fighting for his life, but I didn't listen. I didn't have the time or interest to stay there any longer and answer some stupid question. So I just walked away and left Dean alone with his questions unanswered.

As I stepped into the corridor and closed the door to Dean's room I took a deep breath. I didn't know what I should do at this point and that wasn't normal for me. I usually had a plan or different ideas about what I should do next but this time I was at a dead end. 

I couldn't get information from Dean or the boy himself and the blood test I took in secret just hours after the first operation came back normal. 

"But how could the blood test come back normal?" I thought to myself. Because I know for sure that this boy wasn't normal, he was far from that.

I started to move again, I couldn't just stand here and do nothing. As I was walking down the hallway a memory emerged inside my head.

The memory goes back to the day when the fight occurred in the hallway and also the same day as I operated on the unknown boy for the first time. And the memory I thought about was of a psychologist called Landon. 

I remember it so clearly. I had just submitted the blood sample from the boy a few hours after the operation and was heading to my office when I ran into Landon. He was nervous and I might even say anxious and that wasn't like him at all. Landon was a very confident guy and I might even say that he thought he was the best person after the Alpha himself. Landon saw himself as a god and he thought he could do whatever he wanted. 

For many years Landon had a persona that showed everyone what a nice and respectful guy he was. Landon gave the impression he would always put other people before himself, he would never be selfish or do anything wrong. But unfortunately for him, I and some other people saw through him and soon realized that this was just a front, a mask. Landon was indeed selfish and would only do things for his own benefit. He uses his authority and status to get what he wants and unfortunately not many people saw that or understood his agenda.

So to see Landon act like this only meant one thing, he messed up big time. 

I was curious and decided to speak to him and hopefully get some information. In a normal case, I wouldn't care. I wasn't into gossip but right now I wanted to think about something else to distract myself for a few minutes and also I'm not going to lie but it was kind of funny to see him so nervous for once and to be able to know why was tempting. 

It wasn't hard to get Landon to speak, which was a surprise for me. I had thought I would have to ask question after question and after a while he would crack. But it was almost instantly he began to talk to me and say things. Weird things to be correct.

And to be honest, I'm not so sure Landon even realized what he was saying, I think he was in some type of shock and he was more than less speaking to himself than to me. 

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