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Dean POV

I don't know how long I have been waiting for them to come back. This room didn't have a clock which I found kind of odd, but the more I thought about the clicking sound of a clock I realized it was good that they decided not to purchase a clock. I would have been crazy after a while. And then I mean actually crazy.

This crawling feeling Landon was talking about was a pain in my ass, I couldn't do anything. I was strapped into this bed so I couldn't scratch or try to use my teeth as a scratch tool. Sometimes it was too much, I wanted to send for help by using this red bottom but I didn't want to look weak so I fought it. And now it's over.

I feel so calm or maybe I'm just tired. But even though I felt calm I was still nervous. "What if it doesn't work or it actually works. How will I react?" Those thoughts had long been in my mind. I was terrified that I would change back to this monster or hurt someone. But I was also scared that I was actually crazy. What will happen to me when they realize that I imagined all of this? Would I be locked up for real? For life?

"No I don't want to do it, you could do it!" I heard Andre saying that I presume was to Landon. I could hear them but they were a bit away from my room because I couldn't smell them being near, so I'm pretty sure Andre was talking loud or yelling his answer to Landon." No, you meet them too. If you didn't do what you did to Dean I could have done it but I'm not going to risk my own life for you!"

"What are they talking about? What has Landon done?" Now I was starting to get a bit worried.

"Be quiet." I could hear Landon saying but this time his voice was nothing like it was a couple of hours ago, now it was anger and irritation that you could hear so clearly from his voice.

You could hear that they keep talking to each other but you can't hear what they are saying and soon the sound of a door opens up and closes. It was so quiet. It was like this whole psychiatric ward was waiting to see what would come next. But soon you could hear some steps, steps of one person.

Before he walked in I knew it was Landon that was outside of my door. He waited for a few seconds before he sighed and walked in.

You could see he was nervous. I was going to ask him what Andre meant but before I could ask I smelled it, this weird aroma. I couldn't even describe what it smells like, it's more like the scent tells me 'come and find me'. And the thought just brings a smile to my lips.

"You smell it, don't you?" Asked Landon.

This time I didn't move my head to answer. "Yeah." That was my answer and I'm grateful it didn't hurt to talk, so the things Landon gave me a couple of hours ago must be working.

"How are you feeling?"

"To be honest, happy." Because that was the truth. I wasn't crazy.

"Happy?" Landon looked at me in disbelief. "Are you not feeling angry like last time?"

"I don't feel any aggression towards you."

"Hmm, that was not what I expected, " Landon walked closer and stuck out his arm under my nose so I would be able to get more odor from my mate. He looks at me and studies my face or reaction. But nothing, all I could feel was that I was calm and the feeling of 'find me'.

"She wants me to find her," I said before I could stop myself.

Landon is giving me a weird look. "Does this smell tell you to look for her?"

I know it sounds crazy but that was what I get for the smell. It was like the smell could talk. "Yeah, or I think it does."

"This is so weird. I thought you would be able to smell your mate but I never once thought you would be reacting this way," Landon told me. He took away his arm and started to release me from this bed. "Stay still a bit longer, I need to take out your catheter before you could look for your mate." It didn't hurt but it was a bit uncomfortable. "I'm going to be by your side when you search for your mate and also guide you where to go."

We walked out from the psychiatric ward and walked into the infirmary. I was a bit confused, why would we be here? And I think Landon saw my confused state. "We never left the infirmary when we search for your mate."

Then something inside of me tells me that my mate is sick. "Why would my mate seek medical attention?" I thought to myself. "Was my mate hurt or very sick?" I started to panic, my heartbeat was beating faster and hard like it almost hurt and my breathing was small and short. I started to feel dizzy.

"Try to calm down Dean. I'm sure your mate is fine," I could feel Landon's hands on my shoulders as he stays in front of me and made me look into his eyes. "Breath, breath just like me." Landon takes a deep breath and slowly pushes out the air of his lungs. He does it again and makes sure I do the same. "Good job." We stayed like this awhile. And when I calm down he continued "We only have one critical patient. And the chance that he would be your mate would be very small. So don't worry about that. The others were here for minor things, just like yourself."

His words calmed me down. But one thing he said that made me realize that I might not have a girl as my mate, Landon said he. I never once thought that my mate would be a patient. I always thought Andre had met my mate in a pub or something like that. And now I understand that it's a possibility that my mate is a male. And I don't know how to feel about that. Because I was so sure that my mate was a girl. And that thought made me happy.

After a while, we started to walk again but my feet felt heavy this time. I should be happy, I should be excited but all a felt right now was sorrow.

"I know you are nervous, to be honest, I'm a little bit nervous too," said Landon.

"Yeah, but we are not nervous about the same thing I'm afraid of." I thought to myself.

We stopped in front of a white door and Landon asked if I smelled something. This time I shake my head and answer no. I was a bit afraid that my voice would crack so it was safer to show him a no. He opened the door just a little bit. He was very careful not to show too much so it wouldn't reveal the patient inside. I tried to smell something, something that would tell me he or she was my mate but there was nothing.

We keep doing this for a while. But not once did I feel anything that told me they were here. I started to believe that I made this up. I probably wish I could meet my mate soon and my brain made a fantasy that I started to believe. As they said, it was impossible to smell your mate on another person.

But all of the sudden a warning signal sounds in the hallway. This warning sound means a patient was sick and needs help right now, it was an emergency. If it was a machine or a doctor that sends this alarm I don't know but soon I saw the doctor and nurses run to a door further down this hallway, only a couple of doors away. When the door opened and they run in one after one to help this person that need help, I felt it.

The smell.

Then it clicks, my mate is sick. All of the doctors and nurses are trying to help my mate. I was no longer scared that my mate was a guy, it doesn't matter. What matters is that my mate survived!

"NO, YOU CAN'T!" I heard Landon scream. I could feel the pressure of both his hands on my left arm as he was trying to stop me from going. "YOU ARE GOING TO KILL THEM. YOU ARE NOT YOURSELF!"

I don't care what he was saying. I need to be with my mate and make sure he or she survives. "HELP, SOMEONE!" I could still hear Landon screaming but it was so weird, it was like he was standing 16 feet away but I knew he was right behind me. I felt pressure in my arm and not soon after that I felt a new pressure. I know it was a syringe.

Then I started to feel how my hospital clothes feels too small on my body, and the sounds of my clothes tearing apart.

"Shit!" That was the last word I heard Landon say.

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