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Dean POV

I woke up in the middle of the night with Sebastian glued to my body as he had done the last nine nights in a row. I was laying on my back and using my left arm to hold Sebastian steady and secure in my arm as he was still sleeping.

Sebastian's head was resting against my shoulder so his mouth and nose were pressed against my neck so he could breathe in my scent through the whole night. His left arm was placed over my chest and sometimes it would guide itself to my hair and he would play with it in his sleep. His right leg was pressed against mine and his left leg was always placed over my genitals.

This was the only way Sebastian could sleep and feel relaxed for a whole night. I would help him with his leg and place it where he wanted it to be. It took us a few tries to figure out what was the best way for Sebastian to feel safe.

One night I tried to guide his left leg of me so his knee wouldn't be placed on my dick but it only took him a few seconds before he woke up and it was obvious that something was bothering him and he didn't feel comfortable so I guided his leg back to the previous location and slowly after it seems like Sebastian begins to relax and slowly began to fall asleep again.

After that time I let Sebastian be, if he wants to sleep like this I would let him.

But I was a bit confused that Sebastian didn't go into stage two yesterday. But then I thought that it might be a little bit different from how Sebastian's species works because it's different from humans and werewolves. Also, vampires don't go through ovulation and fairies go through ovulation twice a month. So it might mean that Sebastian's species go through stage one longer than we do.

I'm sure Sebastian goes through state one right now. I have been thinking about this a lot, why Sebastian would change his scent after he bit me.

Sebastian's scent told me loud and clear that I needed to protect him, that he was mine and no one could be close to him at this time. So why would Sebastian feel the need to change his scent so I could protect him and also no one could be close to him if it wasn't for Sebastian going through ovulation soon?

Because there had been times when Sebastian had the opportunity to change his scent so I could protect him, but he never did. There have been a few times when we were in the infirmary when Sebastian had been terrified or had been insecure but not once did he change his scent to tell me that I needed to save him.

Also, he knows Elizabeth. They have seen each other multiple times and all of a sudden Sebastian wouldn't feel safe around her anymore? It doesn't make sense.

So I'm 99 percent sure that his scent changed after he bit me because he is soon going through ovulation and Sebastian feels the urge that I need to protect him because he can't protect himself.

I'm also kind of sure that Sebastian isn't in his right form right now and that can probably make Sebastian kind of stressed out and also be a factor in why Sebastian's scent is so strong and also why I react so aggressively towards everyone close to him. That is probably Sebastian's self mechanism, making his scent strong enough for me to be aggressive towards everyone around him and defend him from any type of danger.

I don't know what Sebastian's right form is but I'm sure he isn't a human, werewolf, or a merman. But some part of me thinks that Sebastian wants to change to his right form because he would be more comfortable with his natural form under this ovulation but it seems like he can't do it for some unknown reason or he is just insecure and doesn't want to change right in front of me.

But he has nothing to be afraid of, I will support him even if he is a demon. And also Sebastian knows that I'm not a human so he doesn't have to be scared that I would turn him down just because he is different.

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