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Dean POV

"Oh shit!" I heard Charles say in an overstrained voice, and not long after he spoke that, I felt how his cold finger touched the bite mark he had recently done on my neck. "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to bite you that hard." I heard him continue. 

My eyes turned towards Charles' face, and I could easily read his facial expression and see that he felt remorse over his actions. And I could also see the worry in his eyes as he studied the bite mark on my neck. 

"It's okay, Charles," I told him as I laid my right hand on his shoulder to assure him that I was okay and there was nothing to be worried about.

"But…" Charles began to say before he stopped himself and was quiet for a few seconds before he continued once again and stated, "Let me at least take you to the doctor so they can take a look at your wounds."

At first, I thought Charles was kidding me when he considered that we should go to the infirmary. Because, after all, a bite mark wasn't anything serious. It was like a minor scratch a human would experience in the human world. For example, if you scratch your knee from a fall as a human, you will bleed, and after a while, the bleeding will stop, and the healing process will begin. It might take a few days for the injury to heal perfectly, but when it's all healed, everything will be fine. But for us werewolves, it would only take a few hours to heal a deep wound like a bite mark, and that's it. 

So I didn't need to go to the infirmary, and the truth is that we both knew that, but even so, I could still see that Charles was anxious and uneasy. So, as I studied his body language and realized I didn't have a choice, I said in a small voice, “Okay, you could take me to the infirmary.” 

And as soon as I said the simple word 'okay,' I saw how Charles' shoulders began to relax, and soon after, he said, "You know it wasn't my intention to hurt you?"

"Yeah, I know," I said back. And the truth is that I know that it wasn't his intention. Because even before Charles' feet touched the training area today, I could see from his body language that something was wrong. He wasn't himself, so I wasn't surprised that during the training session, his mind wasn't really there, so when I came up behind him, he just bit by instinct. But as soon as his teeth sank into my skin, he let go and changed back to his human form and began to apologize for the mistake. 

In typical cases, Charles wouldn't be so scared or concerned over something so small as this. He would laugh and hit me on my back and say, “You should defend yourself better next time.” Then, we would continue the training session like nothing had happened. That would be Charles' normal reaction, so seeing him being so worked up over something so small like this only meant one thing: he had a lot on his mind.

After all, I have known him for fourteen years, so it wasn't hard for me to read him. 

But even though I had known him for several years and we knew more than less everything about each other, we still weren't close. We would train together during our training sessions and fight side by side during a conflict with another pack, but other than that, we would never hang out or visit each other during a weekend or call each other to see how the other one was doing. Our relationship was built of training or war, nothing else. 

But even though we weren't close, I still appreciated him and his company when we saw each other, and I wanted the best for him. And I think he feels the same way about me, but Charles didn't show his feelings. The only time he would show some type of emotion was when it came to his mate or daughter. Other than that, he was like a stone and wouldn't let anyone in to see his soft side.

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