Chapter 3: Never meet your heros

Start from the beginning

Kyoka Jiro and Momo Yaoyorozu have been best friends ever since the first grade and both born with "not so flashy" quirks. As they walk through the somewhat sketchy part of the city, a low life mugger emerges from around a corner, knife in hand and grabs the young Momo as he drags her into the alley to isolate her from prying eyes, seeing this, Jiro, without hesitation runs after her while screaming for help.
Jiro: Yaomomo! Someone call a hero! My friend is being attacked!!!
(Somewhere within earshot of this incident)
Deku: Kachaan do you hear that?
Kachaan:Yeah, sounds like someone's in trouble, let's go!
Deku: Wait! But Kachaan we have to tell a Her-
Kachaan: There's no time Deku, we have to act now! *He uses an explosion to take flight towards the cries for help*
Deku: *realizing he has a point* Right *takes off sprinting after his best friend*

(Back with the girls)
Help does does arrive, but not the help they were expecting, or wanting, a sludge looking monster appears from apparently nowhere and wraps a slimy hand like appendage around the mugger

Sludge: Hey buddy, you're interrupting my snack, buzz off! these two are mine!

The sludge monster proceeds to toss the would be mugger away, he staggered to his feet before running off. Then the slimy creature shifts his gaze towards the two girls, his eyes filled with malice.

(Back with the boys)
Izuku and katsuki are racing towards the screams they heard, noticing that they had changed as they made their way there. They drew closer and knew they were exactly where the screams originated because a crowd had formed near an alley, most were civilians but among them were a few heroes trying to maintain order as what they were about to witness was horrific in nature to say the least...

Young Momo and Jiro were being held hostage by the sludge monster whom we'll assume is a villain, and not a single hero is moving or budging a single inch to help rescue the two girls held inside the body of that sludge like creature. Bubbles can be seen forming over the mouths of the girls as they struggled to breathe, the sludge monster was slowly suffocating them before he decides to dissolve their bodies in order to consume them. The only person to move is Izuku

Deku: *thinking* I have to move... quirkless or not those girls need saving... they need... A Hero *snaps back to reality* kachaan I'm going to save them....
Kachaan: Deku, I don't think that's a good ide-

Before he could even finish his reply Izuku sprints at full speed towards the creature, picking up a rock in the process. The sludge villian sees this young boy's attempt at being a hero and laughs assuming the kid is no threat to him or his evil acts.
Little did he know Izuku realized what his weak point was.... His eye. With all the strength he could muster up Izuku threw the rock hitting the villain dead center in the eye, some would say a bullseye, the creature grimaced in pain thus loosening his suffocating grip on the girls, allowing Izuku to grab hold of their arms and pull them free, he then instructs them to make a run for it back to the crowd. As they run back the sludge villian now fueled with rage charges and attempts to grab all three teens, when all of a sudden a scream from seemingly nowhere is heard all around the scene....

Katsuki:Death..... FROM THE HEAVENS!!!!!!

Using his quirk to launch him skyward, young Katsuki jumps from a nearby fire escape and blasts the villain back with a forceful concussive blast in attempt to protect Izuku and the two girls. Before the villain can reorient itself, the symbol of peace himself, All Might, comes crashing down splattering the villain in a single ground shaking blow. As Katsuki gets to his feet, Izuku runs over to check on him, when he notices a small tear on his friends cheek...

Izuku: Ka-Kachaan what's wrong? Are you hurt??
Katsuki: Help me... I can't stop it *looking up*

Izuku sees the piercing crimson in his friends eyes and his struggle to calm his breathing. After a few moments of Izuku consoling Katsuki, he is finally able to calm the storm of emotions brewing inside his best friend, but only to be put in quirk canceling cuffs by none other than the number one hero, All Might.

All might: Young man, you're going to need to go down to the police station for questioning.
Katsuki: * starstruck*
Izuku: * starstruck* it's All might!!!!

While the number 1 hero was walking Katsuki to the police in cuffs, as if he were a criminal, Izuku was following them still shocked that the hero they looked up to all their lives was arresting his best friend. That is until a booming voice came through the crowd...
The voice belongs to a well dressed gentlemen who, once he made his presence known, the police had paid their respects with salutes....
????: Hold it All Might, why are you arresting this young aspiring hero?!?!?
Bitch Might: W-well you see Captain Yaoyorozu sir, he had illegally used his quirk in public and performed a hero's duty while not being a licensed hero, which is a clear violation of the law, he should be punished sir.
Cpt. Yaoyarozu: While it is true that he is unlicensed, you overlooked the fact that he and his friend acted HEROICALLY, it is both unfair and a bad image for the #1 hero to punish someone for doing the right thing, wouldn't you agree.. Yagi?
B. Might: *begins to sweat nervously* Yes sir, I understand
Cpt. Yaoyorozu: By the way, did you not notice who these young men saved in the process?
B. Might: *looks behind the Cpt. and his eyes widened at the realization* oh my goodness, young Ms yaoyorozu!?!? Sir I am very sorry for the misunderstanding
Cpt: save it. Come see me in my office after your patrol
B. Might: Yes s-sir

With that Captain Yaoyorozu walks past the supposed #1 hero and approaches our young dynamic duo and removes the cuffs that were tightly wrapped around Katsuki's wrists. After hearing that exchange between All Might and the Captain, the boys realize they had just saved the life of the police Captain's daughter and her best friend, which lands them in his good graces.

(EN: many of you may be wondering why all might is so afraid of Captain Yaoyorozu, here's a brief explanation, when All Might saves the day, he often goes overboard with collateral damage but the captain is the one who gets the Mayor to pardon him and he personally funds the reconstruction of everything All Might has damaged, in other words, All Might's career relies heavily on Yaoyorozu money)

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