25. Be Alright

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Heart beating at a hundred miles per hour, palms sweating like the Niagara falls and shaking bones that could snap at any second were my exact feelings as I sat in my car which was parked in front of the St-Pierre house.

"Let's just wing it." Getting out of my car, I manage to make it to the porch.

The door opens revealing Phoebe after I knock.

"Justin?" She looks unexpected to me just as this whole thing was unexpected for me to do. This was not part of my plans today. "What are you-?"

"Are your parents home? I was hoping to talk to them." Wow, good job Bieber. No stuttering.

"Yeah, uhm, come in." Phoebe, though hesitant, lets me into their home. She shows me the leaving room allowing me to take a seat.

It doesn't take long and she comes back with Winona and Daniel behind her.

"Well...this is awkward. Bye." Phoebe dashes upstairs leaving me with the St-Pierre parents.

"Justin, what brings you here?" Daniel was the first to speak. He didn't sound mad but he didn't sound happy either and that didn't help my nerves.

"Sweetie, let's sit." Winona takes her place across from me while Daniel sits beside her.

"I know I'm the last person both of you want to talk to so I won't take up too much of your time." As I thought about Violet, my nerves started to ease. "Her birthday is coming up in a couple of days and I know that she'd want you to be with her."

"If you know as much as you're portraying, you know that Violet doesn't celebrate her birthday young man." Daniel says.

I kept my will intact. "Very much aware of the fact sir. That's why I want to have a simple dinner for her in my home the following week before I take her to L.A. for a short trip. I understand you hate me but I know you love Violet. All that's happened to your lives, to your family, it's all me. Please don't forget your love for her just because of me."

The St-Pierre's faces, just like from the moment I saw them, was unpredictable.

Winona finally speaks up. "We don't hate you Justin. Violet's happiness means everything to us and after so many years, we saw a real smile on her. I knew that glow had something to do with a special someone."

I felt very happy and relieved but when Daniel shoots a serious look to his wife, the positive vibes instantly went away.

"What we're trying to say is that if Violet has forgiven you, then we don't have a reason to hold a grudge either. We can't deny being disappointed to find about you two on the news-"

My unstable nerves beats me to it as I cut him off. "Violet wanted to tell you guys I swear. We were just-"

"Don't interrupt us sweetheart." Winona says and I quickly accepted defeat. "We understand why you two couldn't be honest in a snap. You were probably still planning to say the right things. The chance you and Violet have now for a relationship isn't something people usually get. We understand you both didn't want to mess it up."

Their son should learn a thing or two from his parents about understanding and forgiveness. Wish Violet could hear all this with me.

"Thank you for your forgiveness. I don't deserve it nor do I deserve the second chance to love Violet but I'm trying everyday to prove myself, at least to her." I explain.

"It's all that matters son." Daniel says. "I admire your courage to face us; shows how much you really care about her. Focus on loving Violet and making your relationship work. Give her the happiness she deserves. Don't let other people tell you otherwise."

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