20. One Word For A Thousand Butterflies

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Thinking that spending the night without Justin was weird, it felt even stranger when I woke up without his usual breakfast greeting or his goodbye with a care package I could take to work.

I tried looking on the brighter side despite not seeing Justin in the morning. When his text came through at around 4:30am with the address that he was staying in, I felt much better.

Paul was having a blast watching the shoot; that's got to keep him from starting a conversation with me.

We were in the last part of the scene which required Hailee to change outfits and get her make up done so it gave me a chance to take a short break.

Putting aside the camera I've been using, I join Paul in the crowded chairs.

"Enjoying?" I ask him.

"Totally dude." Paul answers. "Thanks for bringing me. It's been a while since I've been to your shoots. The last was when Sia did her video in Chicago."

"That was a fun shoot. Next time I have a project back home again, you can tag along."

"Hopefully it'll be an older client next time." He jokes. "By the way, Stella tried calling you earlier. I tried answering but your phone was locked. Since when did you put a lock?"

For the longest time, my phone and personal belongings were lock-free. Even if it did have a lock like with my old laptop, Paul knew every password to every account that I had. This was the first time I had to hide from him.

"I misplaced my phone the other day at the hotel. Though the staff gave it back in one piece, some files and pictures were gone." Coming up with a lie was becoming easier for me.

"That sucks. Take care of it next time okay? Call Stella, maybe she wants us to bring back something from here."

"I will." Finally excusing myself, I FaceTimed Stella and she immediately answers.

"Sorry to disturb babe but I just wanted to check on you and Justin." Stella goes right to the point. "Where's lover boy?"

"He's staying at a former producer's place till we fly back home. I'm meeting him later to bring his stuff from the hotel." I reply.

"I'm sorry that your Paris trip didn't work out. I don't even know what Paul was thinking flying over 4000 miles just to see you. Couldn't his clingy ass wait till you got home?"

"Thought about the same thing." I agree. "It's weird that he flew out just when the trip is almost over but we can't do anything about it now. I'm glad Justin and I were able to make most of the time before shit went down."

"You guys worked it out didn't you? You're back together." Stella's delighted eyes looked like it was going to pop out any second. "Ahh!"

"Shh!" Warning her to keep it down since Paul was close by. "You're going to break us up again before we can even start. Paul is like 5 feet away."

"Screw him." She laughs. "I'm so happy for you. Jev is going to freak out when I tell him as soon as he wakes up."

"We still have to work things out when we get home. Starting with Paul. I don't know what to do him. He's not beating up Justin which is a good thing but he doesn't really approve him for me either."

"Don't worry about him. Until then, Jev, Ryan, Chaz and I will cover for you as much as possible. I'm so excited for you guys to come home and tell us all about it. Say hi to Justin for me later okay?"

"Sure. See you soon Stel. Love you."

Once the call ended, Hailee was back with her final outfit and we resumed the shoot.

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