8. The Feeling

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My blaring phone stops me from clearing up the equipment I had been using for today's photo shoot. I answer the call after seeing Hailee Steinfield's name display on the screen.

"Hi Hails." I answer.

"Dre, I'm so glad you answered. I thought you might've been busy with a project or something." Hailee says.

"I actually just finished with a shoot but I'm free now. What's up?"

"I wanted to tell you that the label has approved your concept for the new music video!" Hailee shares the exciting news. "We've scheduled to start shooting next week Thursday, just as we had discussed the last time. If you could fly a few days earlier, we can show you the costumes and set designs, so you can work around it and add some ideas if we've missed out anything."

"That's amazing Hails. I'm flying to New York this weekend to shoot for some friends but I can definitely fly there earlier. I'll see you then."

"That's perfect. Let me know your schedule so I can send your hotel and flight details. I can't wait! Bye Dre." Hailee says before ending the call.

The smile on my face couldn't go away. I always felt happy when a new client was added to my portfolio. This was also a chance for me to leave this place for a few days and to stay from any Bieber drama.

"You're happy." Paul's voice suddenly interrupts my moment, diverting my attention to him.

"Uhm yeah. I just got a call for a new client. I'm scheduled to shoot next week so it's really excited." I replied.

"That's amazing Vi. Have you told Jev and Stella yet?"

"I'll let them know when we get home. It's just for a few days so I'm sure I won't miss much."

"Sounds good to me. Listen Vi, I wanted to talk to you about what happened earlier when you ran off." With Paul's words, I knew I was going to hear a lecture I've been putting off the whole day. I knew he wanted to talk to me since I got back but our agenda for today got in between his intentions.

"I've had a long day P." Letting out a stressful sigh, I still made sure I had the first say in our conversation. "I'm sorry I ran off like that but I didn't think it was a big deal since it was only because I went to get some food. If it makes you feel better then I'm sorry."

Paul started helping me clear up my equipment to ease off the obvious tension. "I'm sorry I get worried. I'm sure you already heard how shitty I've acted looking for you."

"Yeah, Jev told me and it was totally shitty. Seriously, why do you have to always throw a fit every time I'm gone? It's not like I had to tell you about my whereabouts back home in Chicago." I knew I had no right to throw a fit but this worrying was starting to piss me off. I can't handle the drama with Justin and ensure that Paul stays calm.

"I'm sorry Vi but Chicago is different from Stratford. I didn't have to worry as much because Justin wasn't there. Every time he goes missing, I can't help but think what if you guys are together too."

And the cat's out of the bag.

I knew he had his suspicions but I've gotten better at lying over the past few years. "You don't have to worry about Justin. Please stop being fussy about us being together because the closest I've gotten to him was during these wedding preparations. I promised Jev I'd be civil towards Justin and that's all."

"I know but—"

"But nothing okay? Just stop being paranoid about it. Please stop making things awkward too when we're both in the same room. Jev and Stella already has enough to stress about so don't add up to their list."

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