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After a long day at the university, I was thrilled to be on my way home to share my good news with Justin.

Every year, a film competition take places in school where students from the 1st up to the 4th year would get chosen to compete against each other. I was lucky to be chosen as the 1st year's representative this year.

The winner gets a chance to co-direct a film in New York for the summer which everyone knows is one of the most famous location for Art. It was a dream come true.

Though I've been to New York a couple of times due to Justin's shows and interviews, it still felt like a big deal to stay there for the summer and live out my dream. The only places I've travelled to were the places that Justin had to go to for work and traveling to those places only required us to stay for a short amount of time since we usually had to be somewhere else in less than 24 hours.

Sharing this news with Justin was the one good thing we were going to talk about this whole week so I was really excited to get home.

We've been fighting a lot recently and I knew this news would be a big help with lighting up the mood.

I carefully parked my car in the surprisingly empty driveway, before making my way to the house where Pattie, Justin and I have been living in for almost 2 years.

Finding the house empty surprises me. The living room no longer had the couches or the TV. The pool area which could be seen through the huge sliding glass doors, no longer displayed Justin's inflatable floaties either.

The neat condition of our kitchen was unusual too as this area was usually filled with Justin's junk food wrappers or ice-cream tubs scattered around.

I started freaking out so I ran upstairs to my room to check if my stuff had gone missing too. My nerves calmed down when I found everything was just in place.

Making my way towards Justin's room, I knocked a couple of times just in case he was busy with something. After getting no response for about five minutes, I decided to barge in, only to find his place completely spotless.

My heart started racing in an uncontrollable rate. I felt like I was going to pass out. It only got worst when I walked into his walk-in closet to find none of his clothes were there.

Rushing out of Justin's room, I ran towards Pattie's which was just down the hallway. My eager knocks were no good because, just like what happened with Justin's door, I got no response. The space of her room was the same condition of all the other spots in our house - neat and completely spotless.

Have we been robbed?

Rushing downstairs, I fidgeted through my bag to find my phone. Once I was able to find the device, I dialed Scooter's number since he was the best person to call during a crisis.

Unfortunately he didn't pick up. The next emergency contact was Kenny but there was no answer either. By the time I had finished trying to get through everyone on the Bieber Crew, I decided to give up so I can move on with calling our friends.

Vallerie, my best friend, did not answer. Her boyfriend Zayn was no luck either. Chaz and Ryan's numbers went straight to voicemail which sucked. That left me with Paul.

I knew he would pick up because there wasn't a call from me that Paul never answered, except for when he had exams going on at his university.

Even though Paul lived all the way in Chicago for university, we never broke our communication as promised since graduation. He was like a guy version of Vallerie. After all we've been through, he became my best friend.

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