1. Put A Ring On It

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"Pan in camera 1! Keep it steady!" One of the camera guys on set follows my instructions, focusing on Demi, as she takes off her engagement ring that was part of the props of the music video.

Demi Lovato's new music video for 'Tell Me You Love Me' filled up my agenda today as I was chosen to direct the masterpiece.

Doing video shoots, fashion campaigns and photoshoots for the show business has become my source of income for the past 4 years. Though my preference would be big shot films and producing my own work but with finishing only 2 years in film school, I didn't have much choice.

After months of failed attempts of going after my preferred career due to my lack of education, there was no choice but to get involved in the celebrity world.

At first, people only knew me as Justin Bieber's ex-girlfriend but eventually I had to accept the label just to get a decent job. It was not a great choice but after a couple of years of hard work, I finally got the recognition that I deserved.

"And that's a wrap for Demi Lovato's Tell Me You Love Me!" I yelled on the megaphone, indicating that we had finally finished the shoot after a whole week of effort.

The whole crew went around hugging and congratulating each other for a job well done. I managed to find Demi then gave her a hug. We've gotten close in the past week of working together.

"Oh, Dre, I can't believe this it! I'm going to miss you. Thank you for doing this. I already know the final piece will be amazing." Demi says after we pull away.

Andre Webb a.k.a Dre was the name known to my clients. It was the name I used once I started getting recognized for my work. It felt like a fresh start instead of being known as Violet Webb, Justin Bieber's ex-girlfriend. God, that made me cringe.

"I'm going to miss you too Demi. I'll be in touch with the edits so you won't miss me too much." I laughed.

"Screw work for a minute. We're going to celebrate. Drinks tonight?" Demi asks.

"I wouldn't miss it for the world." I respond. Our conversation was interrupted when my phone rings. I excuse myself so I could take the call.

Finally reaching an empty tent, I answered the incoming Face-time call from Jev Mitchell, my buddy from high school, my former hockey team mate and one of my big brothers in our circle.

"Hey bro, what's up?" I place the phone on the table in front of me once I answered.

"Thanks for answering Vi. I thought you would've been busy with a shoot or something." Jev says.

"Your timing is perfect. I just finished up a music video for Demi Lovato. The crew are cleaning up outside." 

"For real? Damn, Demi is fine!" Jev says which makes me laugh.

"You're an idiot. You have a girlfriend, remember?"

As if on queue, Stella, Jev's girlfriend joins the video chat as she pops up beside him. "Thank goodness, someone remembers." she says.

Jev and Stella have been together since college. She was funny, she loved hockey and she was a great cook. She always cooked for Paul and I whenever she and Jev visited us in Chicago. I loved her like a sister. The only problem was that was a huge Justin Bieber fan.

Thankfully, Jev kept her updated with how things actually ended with Justin and I instead of the crap that the media had published, so Stella knew how to adjust around me. Besides that, she was amazing.

"Hi Stel. How's it going?" I flash a smile, showing I was happy to see her.

"Everything's great." she smiles back. "Jev and I were just talking about the list for the wedding and we realized we still didn't have anyone for photos and videos. We thought of you since no one does video and photography better than you." 

"Wait, what wedding?" I ask.

Jev takes Stella's hand, showing the big diamond ring on her finger. "We're getting married Vi." He answers.

"Holy shit! That's amazing!" I exclaimed as I couldn't contain my excitement. "When did this happen?"

"A few weeks ago." Jev says. "I wanted to call you and tell you the news but I figured you were busy."

"You know I'll always have time for you bro. This is unbelievable. My big bro, the ultimate player, Jev Mitchell is finally going to settle down." I say. It was a shocker since Jev was the last person in the group we expected to settle.

"Hey! You know my gaming days are way behind me." Jev says.

"I'm messing with you." I joked. "When is the big day? Where's the wedding going to happen? Come on, spill." I wanted to hear all the details.

"June 15th." Stella answers.

Though that was still in 4 months, I knew that wedding would be right around the corner with how fast time passed by.

"We're planning for a small ceremony back home in Stratford. My whole family is back home, it's where my parents got married and it's where I wanted to start a family you know? I couldn't think of any other place than celebrate the special day in my hometown." Jev tells me.

Stratford. Of all the fucking places, why Stratford? I had to fight the urge to keep my smile from disappearing because I wasn't going to allow my emotions ruin the moment.

"Well, that's nice. What do you think about that Stella?" I was hoping that she would have a negative feedback about Jev's idea.

"I think it's perfect." Stella replies, instantly making me disappointed but I listened anyway. "It's a nice getaway from all this noisy and busy life in New York. My family supports the idea and they've already started helping us with finding houses for us to settle in after the wedding."

Stella and Jev have been living in New York ever since they've graduated from NYU. I couldn't blame them for going back to a simpler life. During our phone calls, Jev would always tell me how he wished he had a chance to go back to our high school times since he was always stressed out with running his dad's business in New York.

Everything was just moving so fast. The fact that I needed to go back to the dreadful town of Stratford was still clouding in my head but I forced a smile, showing my support towards the newly engaged couple.

"Vi? Are you okay?" Jev asks, snapping me out of my distraction.

"Uhm, yeah totally. I'm so happy for you guys." I assured him.

"Babe, you think you could give us a minute?" Jev asks Stella. He knew something was up with me and I was ready to hear a lecture from friend.

"Sure babe." Stella happily agrees, kissing him on the cheek. "I'll talk to you soon Vi. I have a lot of ideas for the theme and I can't wait to discuss them with you."

"Talk soon Stel." I respond. With that, she finally disappears leaving Jev and I alone to talk. Jev was already staring at me with a sad look. "What?"

"I know you're upset." He starts. "I'm sorry that I had chosen the worst place for you to be for my wedding but I hope you understand. I really want to go home."

"Jev..." I sigh. "You could chose Mars as your wedding venue and I wouldn't care. This is your special moment and I'm not going to get in the way just because of -"

He cuts me off. "I know you're having second thoughts with agreeing to this but it'd be really nice if you could be there. You're one of my best friends and it would really suck if you couldn't come to the wedding." 

"I'll think about it. You're going to have to come up with an excuse to tell Stella why you're going to be picking another photographer for your wedding until I get there. You'll need a back up in the meantime Jev. I'm going to take my time on this and I know Stella would want to get started on some pictures soon."

"Fine. At least I know you'll think about it. But I want you to be there for the actual wedding. I don't want some crappy photographer messing up my wedding photos and videos."

"Whatever." I laughed. "I'm really happy for you Jev. You and Stella are perfect for each other and I wouldn't want anyone else for you."

"Aww, thanks little sis. I know one day you'll find that someone special too." Jev says.

I snort. "Thanks but no thanks. Can't let my heart be broken by another idiot."

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