15. Love, Justin

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Justin was still asleep when I had woken up so I wrote a note for him before leaving the hotel.

"Dre, it's so good to finally meet you in person!" Hailee immediately greets me with a hug as I step into the conference room. I could already tell we were going to be great friends and will have no issues working together.

"I'm excited to meet you and everyone on the team. Thank you for having me again."

"By the way, I'm really sorry about the room fiasco. I promise I'm not usually this irresponsible." Hailee whispers.

"It's fine." I assured her even though sharing a room with my ex was awkward.

Hailee shows me around the room, introducing me to her manager, the producer of the video, the makeup and costume design team, and camera staff that I'll be working with.

This was the only downside of my job, listening to boring meetings and endure the time as the adults talked. Over the years, I kind of got used to it since they were my boss and I needed to follow their instructions but all my clients in the past have treated me well. They never made me feel like I was immature or incapable of handling the job and that's all I needed from them.

"So, what do you think Dre? Did we miss out anything you might need for the concept?" Hailee asks and I appreciated that she was taking the lead with this project instead of being told what to do by her team.

"Actually it's perfect."

When the meeting was over, we headed to the location where we would be shooting the music video starting tomorrow.

The camera staff and I looked around the beach, brainstorming how we were going to layout our equipment for tomorrow. Suddenly, my phone rings so I excuse myself to take the incoming call which was surprisingly from Riley.

"Hey douche." I greeted him.

"Ouch. Is that how you treat me after I did everything in my power to be with the love of your life?" Riley responds.

"I'm kidding. Miss you coffee burglar." That was unexpected but I did miss him.

"I miss bringing you coffee Vi." His tone became serious but it quickly changed, bringing back the cheery Riley I knew. "So, how is Paris treating you so far?"

"It's only the first day. We're at the first location for the shoot and we'll be leaving in a bit to see the second one. How about you? What have you been up to?"

"Back to my day job with magazine editing and deadlines to meet. It's so boring. Save me?"

I laughed. "I'm sure you'll find something entertaining to do within the next few hours. Go bother someone."

"I can't. Imagine explaining knock knock jokes who are as old as my mom. That's weird." Riley says which makes me laugh again. "How are things going with Bieber?"

Making sure I was far away from the group, I answered. "We're working on it. Our talk surprisingly went well. The Justin I remembered would've dragged the issue for days."

"He's trying to win you back. Obviously he's going to surrender easily just to avoid drama. I told you that remember?"

"Yeah. He's putting a lot of effort especially coming here to Paris with me. Justin loves going around to explore when he's in a different country but he offered to stay locked up at our hotel to avoid the media. I can't thank-"

Riley cuts me off. "Wait, he's with you, in Paris? Like till the end of the trip?"

"Mhm." I hummed in response. "He said it'll be better for us if we were together all the time that way we can get to know each other and catch up what we've missed over the years. We've been apart for a long time and there are a lot of things that needs to be worked on. We're not the same people back in high school."

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