10. U Smile

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We had left the restaurant about an hour ago after we found a cab to leave the place. Justin said he would come back to get his car tomorrow. It made me feel guilty that he had to go through all this just to keep our secret from reaching my friends but he didn't stop assuring me that everything was okay. Everything was going to be okay just as he had promised.

Justin closes the door after allowing me to step out and after he grabs his backpack. The two us made our way inside a bakeshop after watching the cab disappear from our sight.

The store was empty and the worry of breaking an entry immediately occupied my thoughts but he seemed to know what I was thinking as his next explanation breaks the silence.

"I had the shop closed for us so don't worry about it Vi. This is completely legal." he chuckles, making me blush in embarrassment.

He leads the way to the back until we reached a kitchen. A table was set up with baking bowls, whisks, flours, colorful icings and all sorts ingredients and things that looked like was needed for baking.

"Justin, what's this?" I asked.

"Close your eyes." Justin says as he slowly turns me around so that my back was facing him.

I obeyed without hesitation. I didn't know what he was doing and all I could hear was the sound of a zipper in the background. All of a sudden, I felt something on me and it was being tightened around my waist.

Once the fiddling stopped, Justin finally told me to open my eyes. I turned around to find him in a blue apron while I was wearing a pink one. The letters that were stitched on our aprons was what caught my attention.

"J + V?" I questioned as I looked down on my apron, gliding my finger tips on the perfectly stitched design.

"Yeah...for uhm... Justin and Violet..." Justin responds shyly, rubbing the back of his neck while he looked down on his feet.

What he did was very thoughtful, that I couldn't keep the butterflies from exploding in my stomach. It was undeniable.

"I love it Jay. Thank you." I stood on my toes so I could wrap my arms around his neck to give him a hug. He immediately returns the gesture by wrapping his arms around my waist.

We finally let go and kept our distance once again. I didn't feel awkward and from the looks of Justin's smile, I could tell he was very much comfortable after our exchange of sweet gestures.

"I'm not trying to ruin the moment or anything but what exactly are we doing here Justin? Don't tell me we're about to bake because we can't make food to save the planet. You know that."

He chuckles and starts rearranging the things in front of us. "Whenever I give you donuts, you never accept them. My attempt at Paxton's class wasn't the first time and you know it..."

A few weeks ago, Jev tried to give me a box of donuts when we were at his place for wedding preparations. Once I saw the note that it was from Justin, I didn't think twice to say no.

"So," he continues. "I thought why not just make them? I know you can never resist when someone puts in so much effort because you always thought it would be sad to have it go to waste."

I had no way out because he was right. I can never watch such effort go to waste especially when I know that so much had already been invested.

"Fine," I give in. "But if we end up making something shitty, you promise we'll buy all the goodies in this store. I don't want to waste anything, so the least we can do is pay for everything and make sure this place somehow benefits despite our trouble."

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