Growth// Dutch x Susan

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Word count: 1,390Warnings: none

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Word count: 1,390
Warnings: none

Susan slammed her locker shut with a huff. Her and Tommy had just broken up, and now everywhere she went, people seemed to be talking about it.

They used to be one of the cutest couples in the school, second only to Johnny and Ali. To everyone else in the school, their breakup came as a huge surprise.

The two of them saw it coming for a while though, and so did their friends. So, when they finally decided, after an argument over something irrelevant, to just be friends, it was almost a relief to both of them.

Susan just didn't expect the subject to be so popular. She couldn't take any more pity hugs, or apologies. That was worse than anything that had happened between her and Tommy.

She wasn't paying attention to her surroundings , and had just started blocking people out. Until she heard in all to familiar voice coming from behind her.

"Aw. The poor girl is all alone. You know what would help with that? Having a boyfriend." Someone said, in a snarky, sarcastic tone.

Susan whipped her head around to see who the voice was coming from, only to stand face to face with a smirking, Dutch.

"Shut up, Dutch. I'm not in the mood." She said, trying to push past him, but before she could, he caught her wrist.

"Your telling me to shut up? Me? If i were you, i wouldn't be testing me. Besides, I haven't even done anything." Dutch scoffed.

"Yes I'm telling you to shut up! Everything between me and Tommy isn't yours, or anyone else's business!" She said, raising her voice.

Dutch let go of the grip that he had on her wrist, and started to walk away, still facing her. "It is my business, because I like seeing you upset. It's one of my favorite sights." He said, before letting out a laugh.

Susan rolled her eyes and walked towards her class. Not at all surprised by Dutch's actions.

The two of them had never gotten along. It was like fire and water. They were always fighting, verbally mostly, but there was a couple of times where she had punched Dutch, and it turned physical.

Even if they weren't always fighting, they still couldn't stand being with each other. Just the sight of Dutch made Susan mad.

Since the moment they met, they seemed to hate each other. Their personalities were to different (or way to similar, and neither one of them even wanted to think about that possibility), and all they did was try to make the other person as mad as possible.

Susan was trying to do better though. Deciding that it was her senior year, and she'd never see him again after graduation. She didn't wanna leave feeling guilty for everything she had done to him.

He didn't wanna seem to try to change, or br nice to her at all though. He was the same as he had always been. Trying to make her mad all the time, at any cost.

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