The Love Triangle Part 3// tommy and dutch x reader

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Y/N paused for a minute, it was okay for you to answer the phone to another guy, even though you had just gone out with Tommy, wasn't it?

Of course it was.. The two of you hadn't confirmed that you were together. You hadn't confirmed you were dating, so it shouldn't have been a problem.

The softest of blushes appeared on your face. Dutch always called you that nickname. He always called you babe. So why was it starting to get to you now?

"Hey, Dutch. What's up? Don't you think it's a really weird time to be calling me right now?" You asked with a semi-forced laugh.

It's not like you and him had ever gotten along that great anyway, and as often as he flirted with you and asked you out, talking with him still wasn't the most natural thing.

"I just wanted to see how your date with Tommy went."

Your breath caught in your throat. You knew he was aware of Tommy asking you out, since he had been there when it happened, but the fact that he called you right when you got back was a little weird.

"What? How did you even know I was-..." You paused. Maybe he didn't know, and it just happened to be extremely good timing. " And why does it matter to you how it went?"

You could hear a chuckle over the phone, and even if you couldn't see him, you knew he was smiling, or more like smirking.

"Don't you remember, sweetheart? We had planned a date for this weekend. I don't want some other guy getting in the way of us having a good time."

You scoffed, even though the comment had caused butterflies in your stomach.

"Actually what I remember is that I said no. For the 100th time. At this point it's just pathetic, and it's not a good look for you, so you might as well just give up and go and find someone else." Even though the words sounded mean, it was obvious that you were playing around with him.

"Whatever. I'm picking you up in 20 minutes, so you better be ready."

Before you could protest, he hung up and the line went dead.

Really, there were only two choices at this point. You could annoy Dutch and refuse to go, even though deep down you were curious. Or you could go and potentially destroy whatever good thing was going on with Tommy, if he found out.

It didn't even seem like you had any time to think, because right as you were about to decide, there was a knock on your door. That had been the shortest 20 minutes of your life.


"Where are we even going?" You asked with a laugh, as he placed the helmet for his motorcycle on top of your head.

"I told you, doll, it's a surprise. If you keep asking, I'm gonna have to give into your cute face, and I don't want to, so just wait and you'll find out when we get there."

You rolled your eyes, but it was getting harder and harder to deny the fact that you liked dutch, as something a little more than just a friend. You could never admit that out loud though. That was the basis of your guys' whole relationship. He flirted, and you hated it.

"Fine. But it better be a really good surprise. You're lucky I even agreed to come on this date."

Dutch helped you up onto the back of his motorcycle, then, a little too suggestively, made you wrap your arms around him, so you 'wouldn't fall', before he took off.

Either this was gonna be the best night of your life, or it was gonna be the most miserable experience you've ever had. And right now, you had a really hard time deciding which it was gonna be.

♚Original Cobras One Shots/ Preferences ♚Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ