The Love Triangle// Tommy and Dutch x Reader

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A/N: Hey! This is probably going to be a multiple part series with like 3 or 4 chapters

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A/N: Hey! This is probably going to be a multiple part series with like 3 or 4 chapters. So if it seems kind of short, that's why

Warnings: none

Word Count: 787

Tommy was practically bouncing off the walls when he saw that he had gotten to your locker before Dutch had, meaning you would have a higher chance of talking to him, instead of to his friend.

The dirty blonde haired boy had had a crush on you since you were all little. He loved everything about you. Your long black hair that always happened to be a little curled at the ends, your beautiful blue eyes that stood out next to your dark hair, the cute dimples you had when you smiled, and the way you smelled, vanilla with a hint of lavender, was something to die for.

Little did Tommy know, one of his best friends shared the same feelings. Dutch had been extra aggressive towards Tommy lately, though he had just figured it was because their sensei started choosing him over dutch to do demonstrations in class and things like that.

To everyone else it was obvious why Dutch had hard feelings towards Tommy, but the boy just didn't seem to get it. He didn't think Y/N was Dutch's type anyway, honestly, he thought that he was the only one who liked her.

When he saw you walking over to your locker, where he was waiting, he grinned from ear to ear.

A loud slam distracted him from his thoughts, and he shook his head, trying to reorient himself, when he noticed that Dutch had come and stood right in front of him, so that Y/N had no chance of noticing anyone but Dutch.

"Hey babe. Where are we going tonight? Golf N Stuff? The movies? The beach?" The bleached haired boy asked, throwing his arm over your shoulder.

Tommy felt his heart shatter inside him with the way Dutch was treating you. Had the two of you gotten together and he just didn't know? Was he wasting his time trying to talk to you?

Y/N turned to look at Dutch, feeling her cheeks heat up as a blush crept onto them. "I'm not your babe. And we're not going anywhere together tonight. I have (favorite sport) practice." She remarked, pushing Dutch's arm off her shoulder.

Seeing this as his opportunity to strike, Tommy pushed Dutch away from Y/N and started walking next to her instead. "So.. if not tonight, then how about tomorrow night? You free then? It doesn't even have to be a date if you don't want it to be" He said, looking down at her, hoping and praying that she said yes.

"Um. Yeah. Tomorrow works great. Thanks Tommy." She said, giving him a bright smile before walking into her class.

Tommy smiled and turned to walk away, content with himself, before he noticed Dutch standing in front of him, angry.

"You're never going to have a chance with her. You know that right?" Dutch seethed, his hands shoving into the pockets of his light blue Cobra Kai jacket.

Tommy scoffed, lightly pushing past Dutch, not wanting to anger him any more. "What do you mean?"

"I mean, she's way out of your league. She's never go out with a guy like you. She needs a guy like... me." Dutch said, a smirk playing at the corner of his lips.

Tommy, getting frustrated, walked towards his class. If he stood there any longer, he would've kicked the crap out of Dutch, but he didn't wanna cause a scene.

"Oh yeah? And what makes you say that? How do you know she wouldn't wanna go out with me?" Tommy said, staying a few steps in front of Dutch.

"Simple. I'm better than you. Funnier. Hotter. Better to be around. Plus I know I'll be able to show her a good time." Dutch said, smirking as if you were there.

Tommy snapped his head around to look at Dutch. He had finally had enough. "You know what, Dutch?! You're wrong! You're wrong and I'm gonna prove it to you!"

"Good luck with that, you'd be lucky if she even went on that date with you tomorrow."

"Yeah.. so what? You have just as good of a chance with her as I do, Dutch. She might choose me and you're just too afraid to admit that." Tommy said with a scoff before walking into his class, abruptly ending that conversation.

The words that they had both said played over and over again in his head. Was Dutch right? Was Y/N way out of his league? Did Dutch have a better chance with her?

No. He couldn't think that way. All he could do was to try and show Y/N just how much she meant to him, and that's exactly what he was going to do the next day.

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