Together // dutch x reader

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Warnings: mentions of alcohol, mentions of sex

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Warnings: mentions of alcohol, mentions of sex

Word count: 1611

Requested?: yes

Y/N laughed quietly, adjusting so she was sitting in Dutch's lap, instead of to the side of him.

"This is a bit risky y'know? Your friends could walk in at any minute." She whispered into his ear, leaving a trail of soft kisses down the side of his neck, smirking when she felt him shiver a little.

"I know that. But, I can't help it. Your just so hot." He said, turning his head so he captured your lips into a kiss.

The two of you had been together for quite a few months now. It was wonderful. The two of you were happier than you had ever been in your entire lives. It was almost like you were meant for each other.

It didn't matter how many times you saw each other, or hugged, or kissed, or cuddled.. it still made you just as happy as it did the first time. It was

There was only one downside to it. You weren't allowed to tell anyone about it. Not anyone either of you knew at least.

It just so happened that you had an overprotective older brother, named Johnny. He was also one of his Dutch's best friends, so if he found out his friend was dating his younger sister? It wouldn't end well. For either of them.

"We're gonna have to tell them eventually." Y/N murmured against Dutch's lips as she deepened the kiss, running her fingers through his hair.

The bleach blonde boy pulled away with a sigh. "I know we will. But not today. We're at a party. Their probably gonna be drunk anyways, so they most likely won't even notice we're gone." He said, running his hands over her shoulders and down her back.

"You ready to go? Maybe we'll have some time to be alone before everyone else gets back..." Y/N suggested, running her fingers softly through his hair.

He nodded curtly, standing up and grabbing her hand. "Yeah. Sounds like a good idea to me."

The pair walked out of the party together, which was being held at Tommy's house while his parents were away on some sort of work vacation. Typical.

The night seemed perfect, a soft breeze blowing through the fresh spring air, the stars shining brightly in the sky, and the smell of fresh rain surrounded the area. It would've been an amazing night to have a date on, if they weren't worried about who might catch them.

"We can go back to my house?" Dutch suggested. "Maybe put on a movie, or play video games?" He suggested

Y/N nodded, looking up at him and leaving a soft kiss on his cheek. "Yeah. That sounds like a good idea to me." She said, before the sounds of suggestive whistling coming from behind them caused both of their heads to quickly whip around.

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