The Love Triangle Part 2 // Tommy and Dutch x Reader

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Warnings: mentions of underage drinking

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Warnings: mentions of underage drinking. But it's the cobras. What did you expect

Word Count: 1061

Tommy wiped his sweaty palms off on his pants as he walked up to your door. Ever since yesterday, when you agreed to go on the date with him, that was all he had been able to think about.

He had to impress you enough that you'd want to go out with him again, and not with Dutch. Since everyone knew he was going to try and get with you. But Tommy also didn't wanna go overboard and just completely scare you away either. He had to find a happy medium, which seemed almost impossible at the given moment.

He let out a quick breath before knocking on your front door, taking a nervous step backwards after he did.

The door quickly swung upon as you walked out, smiling when you saw it was him. "Hi Tommy! You ready for tonight?" You asked enthusiastically

He nodded, without saying anything. He didn't think he could. A blush spread across his cheeks as he looked at you, a nice, but not too fancy, blue, knee-length dress. A white jean jacket. And, something that somehow made it even better for tommy, you were wearing a pair of black, high top converse, instead of high heels or another shoe like that.

You were beautiful. It's not like he hadn't noticed before. But standing here, now, all of a sudden, he realized how gorgeous you actually were. Every part of you.

"So what are we planning on doing today? I figured we'd go to golf n stuff right? Isn't that where you and the rest of the guys take girls on their first date?" Y/N asked, trying to break the silence.

Sure, you thought tommy was cute. The button down white shirt and the tight black jeans he was wearing, really helped to show him off in just the right ways.

"Well your not like any other girl, so I'm not gonna treat you the same as any other girl. I was actually thinking of somethin.. a little nicer." He said and stuck his arm out, so you would grab his hand.

"You ready to go?"

  Less then an hour later, the two of you were sitting on top of a blanket in a secluded part of the beach, a few of your favorite foods, as well as easy to eat finer foods and sweets, were spread out in front of you on the blanket.

Tommy had started a campfire, that was still crackling in front of you. It was doing a good job at keeping you warm. Since it was October, and as the sun went down, it started to get colder and colder.

"So.. do you have any plans after high school?" Tommy asked, grabbing his red cobra kai jacket, and draping it over your shoulders.

You blushed a light shade of pink as you looked down. "Well.. actually.. I got into (your dream college). I'm finally on the right path for getting (your dream job)."

The mood seemed to change. The thought of never seeing you again crossed Tommy's mind, which was just a thought he didn't think he could handle. Especially not right now. Now that he seemed to finally have you where he wanted to have you for so long.

"So you'll be leaving the valley?" Tommy asked, breaking the silence that had seemed to last way too long.

You nodded slowly, the fact that you'd be leaving everyone, everything you cared about, finally hitting you.

"I'll be sure to write you letters though. And there's still phone calls. We can talk every day." You said with a smile on your face, leaning over and grabbing one of the beers that was laid out in front of you.

"And I'll be sure to come visit you. Every weekend. There's no way I'm letting you lose me." He said. "As a friend." He added after a few seconds.

You couldn't help but laugh. He was cute. And he did have his adorable quirks that you couldn't help but fall for. However, it felt like it had taken him ages to ask you out. Especially since you knew that he liked you.

"You can never get rid of me Tommy. Even if you tried. You'll always have me, as a friend." You said with a laugh, tightening his jacket around your shoulders.

Without knowing, your words had crushed him. He'd always have you as a friend. Nothing more. Not what he wanted.

"Yeah I know I will. I'll always be stuck with you. Whether I like it or not." He said and stuck his tongue out at you playfully, masking the way he felt as best be child.

You nodded and laughed a little and leaned closer into the fire before looking at tommy. "We should probably get going home. It's kinda late. My parents are going to wonder where I am."

He nodded as he started to pick everything up, throwing all the trash away, then tucked the folded blanket under his arm and took your hand with his other free one. "Your right. Let's get back to our chariot, m'lady."

    The drive back home held a peaceful silence, almost like the two of you were just basking in the company of one another. Something that hadn't happened much when you guys just hung out as friends. But, now it felt different. It felt nice

Once the car pulled up to your house, Tommy parked and got out, so that he could walk you up to your door, like a proper gentleman should do.

"I had fun tonight. Thanks for agreeing to come with me." Tommy said as the two of you stood outside of your front door.

"It's no problem. I had a lot of fun too, and i'm glad you asked me to go out with you. It was nice." You said as you wrapped your arms around him in a hug, before kissing him on the cheek.

"I'll see you tomorrow." You said then opened the door and walked inside.

Everything seemed to be going perfect for the two of you. Just like Tommy wanted. Unbeknownst to him, inside the house, the phone rang, and as Y/N picked up the phone, she was greeted by an all to familiar face.

"Hey, babe. It's Dutch."

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