Choices // Tommy x Susan and Tommy x Ali

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Warnings: slight cheating, kissing

Tommy loved Susan. He really, truly did. The couple had been together for a few years now. They had graduated together, been there for eachother, and had even planned their future together, including what kind of wedding they would have and how many kids they wanted and when they were going to have them. He thought she was the one he wanted to be with forever.

There was only one other girl Tommy had felt this way for, and that was Ali. Ali Mills. But, he was young then, and had never really gone out with her. So, could he really call it love? Either way, it didn't matter now. She had gone off to UCLA, to start her own life. He thought his feelings for her were gone. In fact , he thought she was gone. This only made it so much harder for him, when she came back for summer break.


"Come on, Tommy. Your taking forever!" Susan exclaimed, shoving her hands into the jacket she was wearing. Which, just happened to be Tommy's former cobra kai jacket.

"I'm sorry!" Tommy yelled, laughing, as he ran to catch up with her. Grabbing her hand once he had reached her. His lips connected with hers for a brief second before he smirked. "Your the one always telling me I walk too fast, and now your telling me to catch up? I sense some inconsistencies here, babe."

The pair had decided to go to the fair. The one that was only going to be in town this week. Tommy had bought the tickets for both of them, and they were just walking in for the first time.

"Yeah! Because you always walk fast!" Susan countered, looking around at the flashing lights and the different kinds of rides there were. "Wait, I think I know why your walking so slow.. your scared! Your scared of roller coasters!"

Tommy laughed, lightly punching her in the arm with the hand that wasn't holding hers. "Am not. I used to do karate, Susan. Avoiding kicks and punches is much scarier then any roller coasters." He said, almost in a 'matter of fact' sort of way.

"Mhm. You can say whatever you want, sweetheart but we both know the truth." She stopped walking and turned to look up at him. The two of them just stood there, looking into each others eyes for a minute. Telling the other person they loved them, without actually having to say it out loud. Their lips connected in a soft kiss after that, Tommy's arms wrapping around her back, and using that as an opportunity to pull her closer to him.

The kiss lasted a few seconds, before the sound of people running past them brought them back to reality.

Most of the night was spent playing games, where Tommy had won several prizes for Susan, going on rides, and just the two of them enjoying being together.

They stepped off a ride together, grabbing each other's hands. "Geez, I feel dizzy." Tommy said with a laugh, as he looked around. Trying to regain his center of balance. "Yeah, probably because we were upside down for like, a minute straight." Susan joked, pushing her shoulder into him.

"If you say so." He looked around and saw that the lines to get good were finally shortening. "I'm gonna grab us something to eat. You wanna stay here and save a table?"

Susan nodded. "Yeah. I'm fine with that. You know what I like, just get me whatever." She said, kissing his cheek before he went and got in line.

Even though the lines were shorter, they were still pretty long. He was lost in his thoughts, when someone ran into him, making him stumble and run into the girl behind him.

He quickly turned around to apologize, but was immediately caught off guard. "A-Ali? What are-what are you doing here?" He stuttered nervously.

It felt like a wave of emotions had just washed over him. The crush he used to have on her, the joy for the friendship they used to have, the sadness of knowing he might not see her again.

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