The love triangle// tommy and dutch x reader part 6 (final, final part)

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Authors note: after many comments and much debate, I couldn't decide if I wanted to end up with tommy or Dutch, so there will be two final endings, and you as the reader, can decide which one you like (: (fyi the first 7 or 8 paragraphs will be the same on both.)

Also a fair warning there is a mention of drugs so if you don't like it, don't read

Dutch dropped you back off at your house pretty late at night, luckily your parents had gone to bed, so you just used your spare key and snuck through the back door. It's not like you had even done anything bad, but how many parents are gonna believe the excuse 'I was at Disneyland with my date'.

You couldn't stop smiling as you got changed into pyjamas and laid down on your bed, staring at the ceiling as you reached behind your head and used your arm as a pillow. There was no way you were gonna be able to sleep tonight, not after what had happened with two perfect guys.

That was the problem. There were two perfect guys. Sure they both had their pros and cons, Tommy might've been a little loud and impulsive, his hair might've been a little messy. Dutch might've been a little rebellious, and his anger was something he could work on, but the dates with both guys had gone amazing and you had to admit, they were both pretty cute.

That only left you with one huge problem. Who to actually chose. How were you supposed to choose? And why couldn't this have happened sooner? Why did it have to happen so close to the end of your senior year, where even if you did choose one of them, who knows how much time you'd actually get with them.

There was only thing left to do was pick up the phone, call one of them, and agree to a second date, breaking the other ones heart, which you felt like you couldn't bear to do either.

You felt like you could have good future with both of them too. This was probably the hardest decision you were ever going to have to make your entire life.

You were just about to pick up the phone, until you heard it ring, and you picked it up, secretly hoping it was tommy or Dutch, asking you out so you could just say yes right then and there, and forget about the other guy.

"Hey. Sorry to be calling you so late. But I thought it was important." Your heart immediately fell when you heard Johnny on the other side.

"What? What could be so important that you have to call me at.." there was a slight pause in the conversation as you checked your alarm clock "1 in the morning."

"Well, apparently Dutch got caught with drugs. Not only using them, but... selling them. It's how he's made so much of his money. His parents never gave it to him. The cops were waiting for him at his house while you guys were out. I'm sorry, Y/N. His trial is set for tomorrow. They think its going to be at least 10-15 years, and thats if they don't find out about anything else. I wish you didn't have to find out this way."

There was a long silence between the two of you while you processed the information. What were you even supposed to say to that? Even if their was anything you felt like you could say, you knew it would be nearly impossible with the lump at the back of your throat.

"Tommy said hes going to come by and see you. He doesn't want you to be alone. I'm really sorry. I hope your okay." He ended the call, and there was even a while after that before you set the phone down.

Sure, you knew Dutch wasn't the nicest person and definitely wasn't the best role model. But this? You truly believed he had cared for you, wanted to be with you, genuinely loved you, only to be hiding something like this.

It made your stomach turn just thinking about it.

A few minutes later, there was a knock on your front door, and you weren't surprised to see it was Tommy.

There was a quick second of doubt in your mind on whether or not you actually wanted to see him. He now knew you went out with another guy behind his back and completely lied about it.

Your body acted faster then your brain, and before you could think about it, you were reaching down and opening the door.

"Hey I-"

There wasn't even enough time for you to get the sentence out before a pair of strong arms embraced you in a tight hug.

It made you feel safe, protected, and despite better judgement, you started sobbing as you stood there in his arms.

"Shh. It's okay. Im here." Tommy whispered into your hair as he kissed your head, his hands slowly running up and down your back as he tried to comfort you.

"Why would he do that?! I thought he liked me! Thats so stupid! Did he think he was never going to get caught?! Was he planning on hiding it from me forever?!" You asked in between sobs.

"I don't know. Y/N. I honestly dont. All I know is that hes gone,and im here now. You have me, and your never ever going to lose me. I will never do anything like that. I want to have you in my life. Please just know that you can rely on me.''

You brought your hand up and used it to wipe the tears off your face, before pulling tommy into a kiss. An act that definitely took him by surprise.

"I know. I know you'll always be there. And trust me. You can rely on me too. Because i'm never going to leave your side ever. Your always going to have me in your life."

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