They find out your in a band // preferences

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Johnny-Johnny always seemed like the kind of person who would want the center of attention, and would get mad if anyone took it from him

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-Johnny always seemed like the kind of person who would want the center of attention, and would get mad if anyone took it from him. Especially you
-your band mates showed up at your guys' apartment one day, asking where you were.
-he was confused, since he had no idea who they were
-they left, leaving you two to alone to talk about it once you got home
-there was a fight about it, when you guys started talking about it
-not because he was mad that you were in a band, but because you didn't trust him enough to tell him
-eventually you told him and he was in complete awe
-"baby are you really the main singer? Like really? I didn't even know you could sing!"
-it's cute
-he supports you 100%
-always asks you to sing for him.
-you give him early access to songs your band is writing or working on
-you may or may not have written a song about him a few times
-him getting overly excited hearing one of your songs on the radio for the first time

-he always knew you had talent.
-even in high school, your band one first place in the competition
-he let you keep your several guitars in the living room
-you decided to tell him by giving him tickets to your first tour on his birthday.
-the smile that appeared on his face could've light the entire room
-before you even had time to watch for his reaction he pulled you into a tight hug
-"your not kidding are you?"
-"No, darling. I'm not kidding. This really is my band, and this really is my first tour, and I'd really like you to be there."
-"I wouldn't miss it for the world."
-He loves it.
-The bands music style is far off from what he normally listens too, but he can definitely make an exception
-he's there, front and center, at every concert, every event, and he even goes to every autograph signing.
-To say he's the perfect man, would be an understatement

-Geez, was he mad
-you guys had been together for a few years, and even with that, he still didn't believe that you wouldn't cheat on him with one of your other band members
-yeah you were the only girl, and the only one who could sing, but you were loyal. He should've learned that by now
-You knew he had a low self esteem, but you would never be that bad.
-You guys sat on the couch, his arm around you and your head resting on his shoulder, talking about everything
-he proposed to you, then and there. No ring. No fancy speech. Just did it. Said he wanted to make sure you were his
-you accepted, obviously.
-it took a while for him to actually get used to the idea, but after a while he liked it
-He was really proud of how successful you had become
-Plus, it made him feel cool, that not only was he with the most amazing person, who also happened to be the best singer in the world (in his opinion at least )

-He found out after you had to keep leaving him for 'work trips'
-mostly you would just leave to go and practice with everybody else
-but the less tommy saw you, the more upset he got
-he confronted you about it one day. His normal energy gone, and nervousness replaced it instead
-You explained to him what was going on, and afterwards he couldn't stop bouncing off the walls
-he asked you a million times if you could play for him
-"why didn't you invite me to be in it? I'm totally better then them."
-"Tommy, you've never even picked up an instrument in your life."
-he learned all of your songs by heart
-no. Seriously. You can hear him singing them in the shower sometimes
-he loves it
-the only downside, is that he hates when you have to leave him for extended periods of time

-It was a hard conversation
-he seemed upset, but wouldn't admit why
-it went on for hours
-even the next day, he wasn't like his normal self
-eventually you got him to admit what was wrong
-he said he was happy for you, and that you deserved it. But that he was extremely worried about you.
-"You know what happens to celebrities and stuff.  They never get any privacy. They ruin their lives. Their careers don't go the way they want them too."
-it was cute and endearing that he cared so much
-he let you do it, but was always skeptical about it
-did he support you? Yes. It was just hard for him to accept the idea
-he got used to it eventually and even asked if he could be your manager

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