She was a tall blonde with pretty blue eyes and a sparkling smile. Frank and Erin had been together for almost three years now, and I couldn't have imagined anyone better than her for Frank.

She was bright and bubbly, completely contradicting to Frank's calm and soothing demeanour.

"Callan!" she squealed, "I missed you hon,'" she hugged me tightly as Frank chuckled behind her.

"Hi Erin! You look stunning," we pulled away from the hug and I moved to give Frank a hug next.

"Hi Frankie," I said softly, wrapping my arms around him.

I was immediately reminded of my older brother and how much I missed him.

It sucked, living away from family.

"Hi Candy, you doing alright?" he asked, smiling down at me.


"Yes," I lied, a smile on my face, "Come in you guys," I ushered them into my place and we walked over to the kitchen island. They took a seat on the barstools by the island as I walked over to make us a coffee. Erin placed the box of donuts they had brought me on the counter and it took everything in me to not pounce on them.

Frank chuckled, "Candy looks like she needs a second alone with the donuts babe, should we leave?"

Erin giggled and I narrowed my eyes playfully at him.

He wasn't wrong though.

We chatted about how work had been, making small talk as we caught up.

"William bother you recently?" Frank asked, his eyes hard as he sipped a glass of water.

I shook my head, "The last delivery went by w-without a hitch," I told him, turning my back to them as I busied myself with getting the mugs ready.

I didn't have it in me to tell Frankie that William had only backed off at the last delivery because of a certain gigantic man.

I placed Frank's coffee down in front of him and Erin's in front of her. Leaning my hip onto the counter, I took a sip of my own hot drink, staring at the two above the rim of my cup.

I narrowed my eyes, swallowing as I watched them give each other a sly look.

Frank placed his arm around Erin and she cleared her throat, "There's something we need to tell you," she said, her tone excitable.

I raised my brow, "Everything okay?"

They looked at each other before blurting out, "We're having a baby!"

My eyes widened and I dang near dropped my cup as I yelped in excitement.

"Oh my goodness! Congratulations!" I beamed, walking around the counter to give Erin a big hug. Moving away from her, I hugged Frank again, feeling my eyes water slightly.

Frank deserved the best things ever; he had struggled a lot after losing his parents, but he had grown into a wonderful, protective, older brother to me.

"This is so wonderful Frankie, I'm so happy for you! I'm going to be an Aunt and Amelie's going to get a new cousin," I gushed, referring to my older brother's daughter.

Frank laughed, "We haven't told them the good news yet, Candy."

"We only found out for sure a few days ago, I'm only about four weeks along, and I want to wait until at least three months before telling anyone else," she glanced at Frank, her eyes shining, "I just couldn't help myself from telling you,"

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