I let them have their moment while I try to comfort my brother on the side. He has calmed down a lot and the pain and embarrassment in his eyes were replaced by calm curiosity now. He was still hurt, but trying to understand that there was some underlying reason. This was my brother, my best friend, always trying to give and let go. I couldn't be prouder of him.


After the girls have managed to calm down a little, I gave them both waters to replace what all they have shed. I also gave Preeti her medicines and made her lie down, while asking Sandhya to make herself comfortable beside her as well while Anand and I get them something to eat and check on everyone else. I also signed Sandhya to hold on to the talk until we return so I'm there when everything unfolds for Preeti.

When we reach the main hall, I see everyone a little tense and realise that kids might have told them what happened. Everyone is on Anand asking if he is alright and what happened and such. We assure them that all is well and tell them it was a misunderstanding. Since all the guests have left, we tell everyone to move ahead with dinner letting them know we are going to bring Preeti and Sandhya their dinner and will eat with them itself. Maa-Papa tries to go and see Sandhya and to reprimand her for her behaviour, but somehow between Anand and me, we manage to convince them to let it wait until morning. Since everyone is tired, they don't argue much and move ahead with the dinner, while I go to arrange the food for the four of us to be sent to the room. Anand take the time to instruct his employees on wrap up while also telling them to have their dinner before they get to work. Once we are sure everything is in order, we move ahead to check is the security personnel have had their dinner and check details of who will be staying on the night shift as they were hired until morning. We don't have this much security usually. We have our security guards and the electronic security arrangement around the place. Once done with everything, we move ahead to join the girls with the dinner.


Dinner was an awkward event yet, since the tension was still very much there. The impending talk was here and none of us knew how to start. Preeti seemed to have forgiven her sister for she was sitting comfortably on the bed with her and they were holding hands. I guess Sandhya took the time of our absence to appease her a bit. It was good but the talk could no longer be avoided, therefore, with a deep sigh, I start the conversation.

"Preeti, I want you to remember that whatever she is going to tell is in the past, and keep your calm. I know it will be hard, but you know you can't take stress." I tell Preeti before moving on to Anand beside me. "Anand I know what happened shouldn't have and I understand you're hurt. But I also know you will understand and forgive Sandhya after listening to her so please keep a little patience." Afterwards I focus on Sandhya who is looking at Preeti with sceptical eyes. "Sandhya, I know you are worried about letting Preeti know. However, you don't need to worry. Your friend has worked on cases much worse and has experienced a lot so I know she can take it. Therefore, don't over think and don't hold back. Tell her everything. Moreover, I'm here for her, for both of you. We are family and family is strength, not weakness." I let Sandhya take her time afterwards to gather her thoughts before she speaks.

By the time, Sandhya was done retelling her story, Preeti was shaking. I had moved up on the bed to sit beside her so I can hold her and provide her strength and warmth. Listening to Sandhya now, I knew she had been through more than she had told me earlier. There were still things she hadn't revealed, but it was clear she didn't want to relive those, so none of us tried asking anymore than she told. Anand has also understood the reason behind her reaction, was relieved, and back to being himself. He was also upset what she had gone through. I was brought back to focus on the conversation when Sandhya started speaking again.

"I am really sorry for the way I reacted earlier. I hadn't had to face that guy during the trial. I was kept under protection until the verdict came. But, just a day before I took my leave, I had to visit the court for signing off the final papers to close the case and there I came face to face with him. I can't tell you how that felt in words Preeti. He was my colleague. I worked with him. He was one of the people I actually talked to at office and all the while, I couldn't have suspected he had such underlying intentions towards me. I couldn't shake off the feeling I got when I met his eyes that day. I was lucky that there was no man sitting beside me on my flight here or I don't know how I would have reacted. I was already shaken from dealing with security that by the time your brother-in-law came, I was already hyperventilating and thus my panic attack came so suddenly I couldn't compose. I'm really sorry." She finished looking at Anand to which he finally gave her his normal understanding smile. This made Sandhya relax as well.

We were silent for a while before there was a knock on the door. Anand moved to open it and told me it was Suraj and Bitto.

I told him to take them out to sit while I come. After assuring my wife was calm now and will not give into stress, I left her with her sister to catch the rest up and went out.

Bitto told me that everyone has had their dinner and were now resting in their rooms. They both had overseen that every employee had their dinner as well before helping them clean up. Therefore, now with everything wrapped up, Suraj was here to take our leave and Bitto was intending to see him off before asking the security to close up. However, I told Suraj to stay the night. I asked Bitto to show him to one of the rooms and give him some comfortable clothes to wear. I knew she had some of my clothes she liked to wear as her comfort clothes, so I wasn't worried about her having some.

Once they left, Anand told me he was going to check around once before asking the security to close the doors. He said he would just head back to his room thereafter instead of coming back here. I told him that was all right, as the staff cleared the room earlier anyways. I went in back inside to see that the girls were now happily chatting away. I asked Preeti if she was ready to go rest to which she answered in affirmative. I told Sandhya that she could take that room itself as we were moving to the front one. She was just asking about her luggage when there was a knock on the door before it opened to reveal Anand.

"Hey, I was locking up the office and noticed the luggage there. I'm assuming it's yours?" He asked Sandhya and after getting the affirmative answer, deposited the stuff near the bed. Anand went back to finish closing.

"Did you only bring this much? I thought you said you're back for good." Preeti enquired.

"Yes I'm back for good, but I couldn't have brought everything on the flight with me. Therefore, I got everything booked with an international moving agency. They have collected all my packed stuff and will have it imported within the week. They will let me know when they have it here so I can give them my exact address." Sandhya clarified.

With everything sorted, our bodies, minds tired, we moved to our room and by the time, we changed, were ready to knock off, and that is exactly what we did.


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