Razumihin's magical journey

Start from the beginning

RZM : It would be worth checking the area first,,. Someone must have built this structure, right ? I hope they're friendly. Just who do we send there...

Both Raskolnikov and I turned our heads towards Razumihin.

RZM : ...I signed a sentence on myself, didn't I ?



One of them disengaged. Well, it's time to find out what it is they're doing here. What better way to get information is than to interrogate your enemy ? Bingo. Along with N,I backed out of hiding and quietly followed the flying drone, dragging that idot with me. It was time for our next move.

A slight smile appeared on my face.


Razumihin POV

Oh dear, I really got myself into quitea tangle - I spoke out unnecessarily.... Well, it was either me or Razkolnikov, so we didn't have much choice. I glided between destroyed buildings and skyscrapers, looking out for anything interesting or dangerous. It's not my goal to actually find someting- but I did it anyway. That's my habit now - I have two of them, the other being checking out dumpster bottoms.... NO TIME FOR SUPERHUMAN IMAGINATION ! I need to see the condition of these drones and collect some samples.... I really want to go back to base already....

I was already 100 meters away from the aforementioned spiral when I noticed a strange vehicle in the square next to the base, which is a sort of graveyard of remains. Stacks constructed in a similar fashion to the tower were laying all around. The strange thing is that I even noticed this - it appears that my sensors are working better than they should. Or this"vehicle" is making strange signals. I landed 5 meters away from it and took a close look at it - it looked like some cheaply made spaceship I sometimes saw in the "budget" sectio nwhile browsing the trade papers. The damage was clearly visible, not much the fault of the ship itself, but the crew's landing skills. In this condition it's of no use, but it can always be trashed for parts. I got closer and checked the markings. The "JcJenson" logo was painted on the side of the vehicle.

RZM : JcJenson – everything's makes sense now. No wonder this ship is so crappy.

I kicked the side of the ship, causing the front door to fall off.

RZM : Oh... Well, I'd like to take another look, but the job-.

The surroundings have shaken by maniacal laughter. I looked around trying to identify its source. Suddenly it came to me- this thing is above me. I barely managed to jump away before the thing dashed to the ground. I assumed a fighting position and identified the target - it was one of the disassembly drones.

I don't pay much attention to appearance, especially at a time when someone is trying to kill me, but I remember it had  shoulder-length hair and an "X" in the middle of the vision screen. In appearance, it resembled a woman. This... This is what disassembly drones look like in real life. HM ! EVEN WORSE THAN I THOUGHT. I called out :

RZM : Identify yourself, foe !

? : It's not nice to walk into someone's lair without saying hello, is it ?

RZM : OH... Hello to you, then-

? : TOO LATE !

With another dose of laughter, the strange figure launched itself towards me, turning its hands into long sharp blades. At the last moment, I jumped to the left, avoiding the attack. I rolled on the snow and took up my position again.However, the attacks didn't stop - it was like that thing really wanted to kill me. I hope it won't be my next acquantance... Wait... All drones included, right ? Oh god...

On the other world (Human male OC x Murder Drones)Where stories live. Discover now