Chapter 24: It was all left to Remy.

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"You going to the party tonight?" Alexa asked as we walked out of the classroom together. It was the last class of the day and I was pretty much bummed out. I could see McKenna and Jeremy walking ahead of us as they held hands making me scoff in disgust. As if she could feel my gaze on her, she turned her head and locked eyes with me in surprise. I sent her my biggest glare while she only raised an eyebrow at me before facing forward and then giving me the middle finger without turning her head.

"Little bitch." I muttered under my breath. "Nah. Not interested." I answered Alexa, who was busy checking out a couple of guys ahead.

"Suit yourself. Sabrina and I are going." Alexa smiled cheekily at me before giving me a wave and walking away. I rolled my eyes with a smile, watching her go and thought, to hell with them, I wasn't in the mood to see sweaty bodies pressing against each other. Yes, we hung out together and were practically best friends but I was way different from them. But no one cared to know the real me.

Sighing, I took a couple of steps forward only to realize that I'd left my pencil case back in the classroom. Groaning, I turned around and collided into a rock hard chest face first, making me yelp in pain. Staggering backwards while holding my throbbing nose, I looked up with angry eyes and froze. It was him. My Jake. Gosh, seeing him up close like this always made my heart beat wildly. Countless times, I'd tried to stop my feelings for him but when I remembered how my sisters always stole what belonged to me, I vowed never to let anyone take him from me. Especially that cheating slut he calls his 'girlfriend'.

Now was my chance, I told myself, this was the time to tell Jake what I saw in the library. About Lilli and Noah.

I opened my mouth several times before closing it. I couldn't do it, it would only make him hate me more and I didn't want that. Nobody liked a snitch, so I decided to let the black witch tell him herself. She had to.

"Sorry." Jake muttered noncommittally, giving me a weird look before brushing past without another glance at me. I could only stare at his back in frustration as angry tears filled my eyes. Of course he hated me, I thought as I bit my lips harshly, everyone hated me. All they saw was a bitch, which I could be when I wanted to. No one knew the real me.


After assuring a panicky Lilli that Jacob didn't know anything, that he probably wanted to talk to me about something else, I made my way downstairs to the common room after throwing on some sweats and a T-shirt. I mean, if he really knew what happened between Noah and Lilli, then he'd be texting or calling her not me. I wasn't his girlfriend for God's sake. So it had to be something else he wanted to talk to me about. Anyways, when I got to the common room and after looking around, I couldn't find him. Where the hell was he? I checked my watch in annoyance, I had approximately an hour and thirty minutes for my training with Remy. Yes, he was back being my mentor which was perfect for me, I mean we could chat and goof around as much as we wanted. Perfect for me. And I knew one of these days, we'd have our first kiss, I couldn't wait.

I didn't even know I was giggling to myself until I felt a hand clamp down on my shoulder and I squealed in fright.

"Woah Kenna, easy. It's me." Jacob said with a laugh, looking very amused.

Patting my chest gently and ignoring the looks I got from people, I scowled at him, "Don't ever do that again, you asshole." I growled, giving him a dirty look.

Nodding fervently, he raised his hands up in surrender but I could hear him muttering, "Not my fault you're jumpy."

In response, I zapped him by poking his cheek harshly with a finger that was filled with electricity.

"Ow! What'd you do that for?!" he cried while I cackled loudly. Served him right.

He just rolled his eyes and grabbed my arm, "Come on. We can't stay here, there are eyes and ears here." he stated and immediately he finished talking, we appeared outside in the garden.

My stomach felt queasy as a result of the teleportation and I glared at Jacob.

"You're welcome. Oh and I made us invisible too." He grinned. "Did you tell anyone I asked you to meet me?" he asked, looking serious and hesitant.

I looked at him confusedly before replying, "Umm no." I lied, wanting to see what he would say. Suddenly I was very nervous to hear what he had to say.

"Good." he said looking relieved.

"What's going on, Jacob? Is it about you and Lilli?" I asked tentatively.

He laughed and shook his head. "No it's not. But I wish it was."

I frowned. "What do you mean?"

Jacob closed his eyes for a moment before opening them to look at me with a helpless look. "Kenna...Remy and I are brothers."

I looked at him for a moment before erupting into peals of laughter, his face taking on a look of annoyance. What was this? "Really, Jacob, you could do better than that. You're not even of the same color and-and you guys don't even have the same...-" I stopped short, wait a minute, they did share the same surname, Dalton, I looked up at Jacob again, this time in surprise.

"But how??" I asked, looking very confused and in shock. I didn't understand, how come no one knew and they never said anything. They even hated each other deeply, how could they be brothers?

"It's a long story." Jacob sighed deeply, running a hand through his dark hair frustratedly.

"Well, I'm all ears." I told him, crossing my arms.

I was practically fuming when he told me everything. How could he do that to him? How could he hurt him like that? "How could you? Why? How could you be so selfish? And now you want me to help you?" I laughed coldly, shaking my head.

He placed his hands on my shoulders as he looked at me with deep regret in his eyes. "I know I was a selfish asshole but believe me when I say I'm really sorry. I want to make it up to him for fuck's sake!"

"Then you shouldn't have fucked up in the first place!" I snapped angrily, slapping his hands away.

"Stop being so fucking biased towards him!" Jacob raved as he glared at me in anger.

"Biased? I'm being biased? Well do you know how it feels to be all alone? Not to be accepted? Do you fucking know?! I do, okay. I know how it feels." I ranted clenching my fists tightly, my heart hurting for Remy.

"And I'm sorry! I'm sorry, okay! I was a dick, a jerk, a...-"

"An asshole." I completed for him. "You were a fucking asshole."

"You're right. I was a fucking asshole. But I want to make it up to him. Please, please Kenna, help me." he begged me with tears in his eyes.

I sighed, rubbing my face in agitation. Shit, shit, shit. I had to calm down, so that I could be rational. I knew I wasn't being fair to Jacob but my emotions were all over the place. I looked into his eyes and saw that he was truly sorry and regretful. I could actually understand him in a way, he saw Remy as an outsider and so he didn't want him in his family. But the problem now was, did Remy want him?

"How?" I asked helplessly.

"Talk to him for me."

"That's not going to solve anything." I told him, running a hand through the tangles of my hair.

Jacob sighed. "I know. I'll think of something but just to talk to him first. Please, Kenna." he said, placing his hands on my shoulders again.

"I'll try. But I'm not promising anything." It was all left to Remy.

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