Chapter 8: No falling or tripping over any guy. Guys are scumbags.

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I stood in front of the mirror and stared at my new look. I stared at my now dark shoulder-length hair that was streaked with blonde highlights and decided that short hair really fitted me. It set off my diamond-shaped face and big blue eyes, plus I looked mature now. I smiled, really satisfied with the look. I'd gone straight to the salon after ditching the rest of the school hours for the hair appointment I'd booked before leaving for school this morning. I wanted to be me again. This was my natural look before I started growing out my hair and dyeing it. I'd rather go to Sylin High looking like my real self.

I walked out of my closet to begin packing my stuff. Asher was taking me there tomorrow, yeah he wasn't wasting any time. To be honest, I was kinda nervous to go there. I'd never been by myself before, how would it be like? And what if I was treated the same way I was over here? Yes, I understood not everyone would like me, but what if nobody actually liked me? I really wanted to have a real friend, just one would be enough. I sighed deeply as I was already getting depressed.

Then as if getting a lightbulb, I quickly stood to my feet before rushing to my desk where I usually studied, looking for a notepad. I sat on the comfy office chair and pushed myself closer to the desk when I found what I was looking for. I located a ballpoint pen and started scrawling on a new page;


1. No falling or tripping over any guy. Guys are scumbags. Very important rule!!!

2. No cussing (you can cuss in your mind tho). Be a good girl 一 good girls don't cuss. They're always niceee (but stupid too).

3. Avoid any sort of attention. 'Cause with attention comes a lot of fake people.

I promise to follow these rules, so help me God. Amen

I dropped the pen and then tore off the page. I read the contents for some minutes before smiling in content. I was sure following these rules would be easy and my life would be super peaceful. How wrong I was!

I folded the paper neatly before stuffing it in my backpack. That was when somebody knocked on my door, making me jump in fright. After calming myself down, I managed to say, "Come in."

And the door opened to reveal Noelle as she walked into my room. She had her dark hair up in a messy bun and was hungrily munching the chips she stuffed into her mouth. Noelle...she really hadn't changed much over the years. She was still very beautiful and smart and she was like an older sister to me. She stopped short when she saw me and gaped at my new look. Oh yeah, she'd been asleep when I returned home and both my grandparents and Asher and the twins were out.

"What happened to your hair?!" She asked, looking surprised. She walked over to me before twisting my head from side to side, trying to see if I looked okay or not.

Then she smiled nostalgically, cupping my cheek. "You look beautiful, as you were the first time I met you."

I gave her a grateful smile. "Thanks Noelle." I said.

She looked around at the clothes that were strewn about and said, "Packing, huh?" She located a spot and sat down comfortably, still throwing chips into her mouth like a caveman. Must be the pregnancy hormones.

"You nervous?" She asked quietly.

I blew out a breath and nodded. "Very. And scared too." I mumbled.

"Don't be. Just be yourself, Kenna."

That's the problem, you see, I can't be myself. From what I've observed, most people don't like a person with a bitchy attitude or personality. That's why I'd decided to turn over to a new leaf once I got to the superpower school. I'd try to be a goody two shoes, so help me God.

"I'll try." I lied, avoiding Noelle's eyes.

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