Chapter 20: What can you say about your face?

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"Why didn't you tell me?!" Lilli cried indignantly, slapping me upside the head.

"Ow, that hurt." I muttered, rubbing the offending spot. "I just didn't want to bother you." I told her with a pout.

"Gosh, you're so stupid. I mean, the only reason he's behaving like a jerk to you is because he also misunderstood everything just like superbrat Maddie did. Now if you'd told me earlier, like a normal person would've done, this problem would have been solved ages ago." Lilli stated heatedly, slapping my cheek several times, making me wince pitifully.

A couple of days had passed since that incident with superbrat Maddie (a beautiful nickname that Lilli made up), and ever since then, I'd been made fun of, bullied and been the base of a whole lot of nasty rumours. Nothing new to me. Not only that, at Maddie's 'order', I was banned from being a member of the crew. Oh well, she did me a favor 'cause I never wanted to be a member in the first place, I didn't need people poking their noses into my business. And Lilli, she never backed down and always had my back. She even began avoiding Jacob because she felt so guilty about everything. I tried to explain to her that I didn't mind at all but she never listened.

We were now in our room, having just got back from training class when Lilli began grilling me about the Remy's issue as she noticed his current attitude towards me. After much contemplation, I decided to tell her what happened that day.

"I'm sorry Kenna. It's all my fault." she said, looking at me with a sad expression.

I grabbed her hands and smiled gently at her. "It's really not. It's his fault for being a dumbass."

"Yeah, and me avoiding Jacob isn't helping at all. You know what, I've got a plan," Lilli told me with twinkling eyes.

"Oh yeah? What?" I asked curiously.

"You, my lovely friend, are going to make Jeremy want you. Yeah, you heard that right baby. You can't just do nothing and allow him to treat you like that! I can tell he really likes you even though he's holding back, with the way he shoots lasers with his eyes at any guy who tries to hit on you, all you need to do is seduce him." she concluded, wriggling her eyebrows teasingly.

"Seduce him??!" I squeaked incredulously. "Are you crazy?! Why on earth would I do that?!"

Lilli just sighed defeatedly and shifted closer to me. "Just trust me okay? Make him want you, then ignore him, act all hot and cold towards him, you know what I'm saying, don't you? Sometimes Kenna, you've gotta take matters into your own hands, you can't just give up like that. Just leave the rest to me, I'll take care of everything else."

"I don't know...-" I mumbled, not sure of the plan. I mean, seducing a guy sounded so cheap to me.

"Just trust me." Lilli stressed, giving me the puppy dog eyes.

After sighing in defeat, I agreed, "Alright."

"One more thing, don't forgive him easily."

I smirked at her. "Of course not. I'm not Jesus."

She cackled loudly. "Damn right you aren't!"

Due to Lilli's different suggestions, we spent the rest of the night making plans for tomorrow because as she put it, tomorrow was a big day.

* * *

The next day was really a big day as Lilli put it, 'cause she made me up, curled my hair so that it rested on shoulders, made me ditch my knee-high socks and instead wear ankle socks so that I could show off my pretty long legs, her words not mine.

Anyways, here I was, standing in front of the class, trying to gather up my nerves and get on with it. I wished Noah was with me, but he had a different class.

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