Chapter 11: He's basically a prostitute.

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So many curious gazes followed Lilli and I as we walked down the hallways on our way to class. It made me feel uncomfortable and scared. Scared that they would know who I was which I didn't want, so I bowed my head low, using my hair as my shield. I basically looked like I was a member of the living dead. And boy did I see so many things; a girl floating around, a guy with glowing eyes and hair, there was a girl with fangs and large feathered wings, another girl with a wolf-like tail protruding from the back of her skirt....damn. What next would I see?

I was wearing one of the uniforms that was given to me yesterday. There were two sets of uniforms which you could wear interchangeably, a gym uniform and the last one, as Lilli explained, was for training class. Whatever that was. Well Lilli said I'd understand later in the day. The uniform I was wearing now was the one that consisted of: a short high-waisted dark red and black checkered skirt that was flared from the hips to the mid-thigh, a black short-sleeved crisp shirt on which on the right side was the school's logo, a dark red blazer, a short red tie with black stripes and lastly a pair of black knee-high socks. I paired it up with my white Nike air force and black backpack. Lilli, on the other hand, was wearing the other uniform which consisted of: a short high-waisted ash-colored skirt which was also flared from the hips to the mid-thigh, a dark red short-sleeved shirt, an ash-colored blazer, a short red tie with ash stripes and lastly a pair of black knee-high socks. She paired it up with her black platform boots and she basically didn't carry any bag. I wondered how she was going to take notes before I remembered she was a witch. Maybe she'd cast a spell or something.

I crashed into someone accidentally as I was lost in my thoughts and staggered backwards. Lilli quickly steadied me so I wouldn't lose my balance to which I gave her a grateful smile. I then turned to the person I crashed into to apologize.

I'd just opened my mouth to say "I'm sorry'' when the guy turned to Lilli and said, "I haven't seen her before Lilli, she's a newbie right?" he asked, giving me a slow grin. "Hi, I'm Noah." he introduced, stretching his hand towards me to shake.

Feeling confused and shy, I stretched out my hand to touch his when Lilli slapped it away and growled, "Back off Noah, she's my roommate."

The guy looked surprised. "Well, that sucks."

Lilli rolled her eyes and looked at me before laughing at my confused expression. "He's my best friend and he loves to hit on girls and fuck around. He's basically a prostitute." she sniggered, making me laugh.

Noah looked offended as he glared at the two of us. "Meliah!"

"Don't call me that stupid!"

"I'll call you whatever I want. What are you gonna about it, Meliah?"

In response, Lilli slapped him upside the head making yelp in pain.

"I hate you." Noah said, while glaring at Lilli.

"I hate you more." Lilli replied, wearing a smug expression.

I just looked at the two of them in amusement. You could see they were really close. Sigh, it must be nice having a male best friend. I stared at Noah again, he didn't look like a typical fuckboy, in fact he looked so innocent and cute. He had wavy brown hair with bangs which fell over his forehead, his olive green eyes were wide-set and he had thick arched eyebrows with a straight nose and pink lips. He looked really, really adorable, but I guess looks can be deceiving.

"So what's your name?" Noah asked me as we resumed walking.

"Kenna." I simply said.

Immediately I replied, the bell rang signalling for the first period. It turned out that Noah and I had the same class while Lilli had a special class as she was a witch and witches in general had their own timetable. So after bidding her goodbye, Noah and I headed for our own class.

"I think we're going to be great friends, Kenna." He said with a big grin, throwing an arm around me in a playful way. "And I also think history class is going to suck so bad. What do you think?"

"I think I'm gonna piss my pants. I can't wait."

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