Chapter 13: I'll find out whatever you're hiding, little doll.

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"You really think he's gonna keep his mouth shut?" Lilli asked, looking worried for me. I'd just narrated the events that happened today and she listened with rapt attention albeit the excitement in her eyes couldn't be hidden. Right now, we were just lazing around in the room. Well, I was. Lilli was practicing her spells, rummaging through her cabinet where her potions were kept.

"He'd better." I growled, momentarily thinking of that birthday many years ago. "And that's not all Lilli, Maddie cornered me in the bathroom and told me to stay away from 'her man'." I snorted, using my fingers as air quotes.

"Damn, that girl is under one serious illusion." Lilli laughed mockingly as she shut her spellbook and flung it to one corner in frustration. She gave me a look as if to tell me not to worry about it. I nodded my head in understanding.

Exactly what I thought when Maddie opened her big mouth to say, "Stay the fuck away from Jacob. You may not know as you're a newbie but he's my man, so do me a favor and and back the fuck off. You're a nobody and he'll never like you."

Feeling incredulous, I could only gape at her. Man, the girl's got some serious issues. I almost retorted viciously but then I remembered my rules. Chill, Kenna, chill. "You have nothing to worry about. I'm not interested in him one bit." I declared, looking her straight in the eyes.

"Good." Maddie curled her lips in satisfaction, her green eyes flashing, before strutting away.

I shook my head again as I remembered the incident. "I know right. She's bat-crazy."

"And the funny thing is, Jacob doesn't seem to notice her. He treats her like she's invisible. But I guess that only increased her desire to have him. So many girls have fallen victims to her, she basically deals with anyone she deems as an opponent. She's really vicious Kenna, so please stay away from her." Lilli pleaded, with worry in her eyes. I could see the seriousness in her eyes and for a moment my heart felt warm.

I assured her with a gentle smile, "Don't worry, I for one don't plan on getting devoured by her." I said teasingly. "Let's not talk about her again. Instead tell me about the training class." I stated eagerly, wanting to know more about it.

Lilli chuckled lowly before replying, "All I have to say is, brace yourself."

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Later in the evening, after getting dressed up in identical black combat suits, Lilli and I made our way to a separate building where the training classes were held. Fortunately for me, Lilli was in the same class with me which made me very happy.

We finally got to a room that resembled a large gymnasium where a wide array of weaponry was seen displayed at one corner. I momentarily shivered seeing all those weapons. There were other people already there when we arrived, about twenty or so. I spotted Noah immediately, as he came rushing to us. Did I mention he looked great in his combat suit? Well, he did.

"Hi Kenna, hi dumbass." Noah greeted, with a mischievous grin. He pulled the two of us into his arms, squeezing the life out of us.

Lilli squealed and pushed him away with all her might, "Let go you idiot!"

He finally let us go and I took in deep breaths to fill my lungs with air. Lilli just glared hatefully at him before curling her lips in a sweet smile while batting her eyes at him. "I hope I'm not the dumbass, Noah boo."

Noah and I burst out laughing. She had no idea how she looked. She looked so ridiculous.

"What's so funny?" she asked, pouting her lips.

"You look so ridiculous." I said, laughing at her.

"Hey!" she hit my arm looking offended but she was grinning too.

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