Chapter 9: I'm a witch.

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Asher and I were seated in a large, comfortable couch in the principal's office. I stared around in awe at the plush office. There was a dark walnut bookcase lining the entire left-hand wall which was cream in color. There were two large black sofas facing each other (Asher and I were seated in one and the stern-looking principal in the other) with a dark mahogany table in the middle. On the wall facing the bookcase was a very large plasma. Damn, this school sure was posh. I held onto my suitcase tightly in nervousness.

"Miss Quinn, as the younger sister of Mr Quinn...-" the woman was saying and I almost burst out laughing, the way she spoke made me crack up inside. What was with the overly formal tone?

I turned my laugh into a quiet cough and looked away from her piercing dark eyes. She looked to be in her sixties with greying hair and had a face of a military soldier, no a commander. That was how hard her face was. Asher called her Mrs Lance but she told the both of us to call her Headmistress Lance. Geez, talk about a military commander.

Giving me a stern look, she continued, "...- you should know that I won't tolerate any form of...unrulyness. Your brother must have informed you of how strict Sylin High is, right?" She asked, looking at Asher.

I shared a look with him before replying slowly, "Yes, Headmistress Lance."

She nodded her head in satisfaction. "Good."

Damn, I would never want to be on her bad side. Asher did tell me about her in particular. Apparently, ever since she became the headmistress, she'd been taking care of the school with an iron hand, in order to protect the students and keep them safe. Asher and Noelle only had one year to graduate before she came into position so they weren't really familiar with her. But they were well aware of the fact that she was an iron lady who ruled with an iron fist.

Headmistress Lance looked at her silver watch before standing to head to her desk. "Your roommate will arrive soon, Miss Quinn." She told me and then looked at my brother and said in a crisp tone, "you can leave now, Mr Quinn, she's already in safe hands."

Clearly, she was telling my Asher to get the fuck out. This is one macho lady, I salute her.

Asher coughed embarrassedly as he stood to his feet. I also stood to my feet, not wanting him to leave me just yet. My brother was the best person in my life therefore we had such a deep connection between us. I could feel tears pricking my eyes and I remembered the way I bawled like a child this morning when saying goodbye to my grandparents and Noelle and the twins, and I forced myself to calm down. I wouldn't cry here, not in front of this terrifying woman who I was sure had something against me.

Asher must have seen it in my eyes for he gently pulled me into his arms. I hugged him fiercely while he repeatedly kissed my hair. "You'll love it here, I promise." he said after releasing me.

"I wouldn't be too sure about that." I mumbled under my breath.

He chuckled quietly and kissed my forehead. "Behave Kenna. And make us proud. And Mom too. You can do that, can't you?" he asked softly, looking at me tenderly.

"Yes. I can." I whispered solemnly.

After sadly watching my brother go, I sat quietly while playing with my phone. Soon, someone knocked and the door opened to reveal a young girl of my age. And she was really pretty; she was brown-skinned with curly dark-brown hair that also reached her shoulders and honey-colored eyes. She had two nose rings on one nostril and a lip ring too, she basically looked badass.

She quickly walked up to the headmistress and even bowed. "Sorry I'm late, Headmas-mistress Lance." She said but her eyes were twinkling.

Headmistress Lance gave her a sharp look. "Miss Hope, please mind your manners, it would be very much appreciated. And please help Miss Quinn with her suitcase and take her to your room. You can also tell her about our rules and regulations along the way. That would be all, you can leave." she said, giving me and the girl pointed looks.

The girl bowed again, making me hide my snicker in my palm. "Your wish is my command, Headmistress Lance." she said solemnly.

The said headmistress just sighed deeply and shook her head as if she'd had enough. To be honest, the girl was pretty funny and good at riling Mrs Lance up. I liked her already.

She then turned to me and gave me a small smile which I returned. "Come on, let's go." she said, helping me with my suitcase.

I just nodded and followed her out the door.

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"My name is Meliah, but don't call me that, call me Lilli. What's yours?" the girl asked as we walked, looking curiously at me.

With a shy smile, I replied. "It's McKenna, but don't call me that, call me Kenna." I said, imitating her words from just now which made her laugh.

"I think I'm going to like you, Kenna." Lilli grinned, giving me a wink. "To be honest, I was expecting a dork but you don't look like one so I think we'll get along just fine." she said seriously, leaving me momentarily speechless. Damn girl, chill out, no need to be Yeah, she was like me in a way, in the sense that she was direct with her words. But that was the only thing we had in common because as I studied her more, I realized she had a bubbly personality, she loved excitement. I actually thought she was something like a badass person, you know with her piercings and all that but she wasn't at all. She was just a bright girl with a bright personality.

"I was expecting you to be more like a badass bitch but you're not." I told her truthfully.

She cackled loudly, which made me laugh too 'cause her laugh was just so funny, and shook her head. "Everyone thinks so too. They think because of my piercings, I'm supposed to be a bad bitch so they talk bad about me. I don't give a fuck though, this is the real me." she stated, as if reading my mind. Okay, I really liked her now.

"So what's your power?"

"Umm, I can do something with electricity? I'm still not used to it yet." I replied. "How about you?" I asked her back.

"I'm a witch." Lilli answered with a straight face. "Oh come on, don't tell me you're scared." She laughed again when she saw my horrified expression. Of course this was a supernatural school, what was getting surprised for? Get yourself together Kenna, I told myself.

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