Chapter 12: Don't go around calling people sissies.

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"We have a new student here. Everyone, meet McKenna Quinn." the history teacher, Mr Park announced. He was an Asian-American and looked to be in his fifties. He'd stopped me as I trailed after Noah so we could sit together and made me stand in front of the class so he could introduce me. I felt nervous standing on front of so many curious gazes but I didn't let it show.

"Who bears McKenna these days?" somebody scoffed, making everyone snicker.

Feeling angry and embarrassed, I scanned across the room to locate the dumb person who just opened her big mouth. I finally found her, she was sitting by the wall with a smug expression. She had straight black hair that fell down her back and big green eyes on a face that was slapped with flawless makeup. She was actually gorgeous, I'll admit that. I rolled my eyes and dismissed her as she wasn't worth my time.

"Now, now, Maddie, behave." Mr Park scolded lightly. He probably took it as a lighthearted joke.

"Whatever." Maddie grumbled, rolling her eyes with a sour expression on her face.

Then, Mr Park turned to me and asked, "Do you have a thing or two to say to your classmates?"

I thought for a minute before facing the class again. "Nice to meet you all." I said quietly. I caught Noah's eyes and he gave me a thumbs up with a big grin making me smile.

Mr Park nodded in satisfaction. "Now go find a seat and settle down." he told me, walking back to his desk.

I nodded and quickly walked to where Noah was seated and settled down beside him. The class arrangement was two persons per desk (five rows and four columns).

He leaned close to me and whispered, "Sorry about Maddie. She's a self-centered bitch who thinks the world revolves around her."

Wow. His words made me remember what most people thought of me back in Skye High. They always said I was a proud and self-centered bitch, but I think that was just jealousy talking. Now this Maddie girl was the real definition of a mean bitch. A bully. I prayed we would never cross paths. Just because I wanted to turn over a new leaf didn't mean I'd let anyone walk all over me. I'd defend myself if I had to.

"Let me guess, she's part of the crew right?" I whispered back to Noah.

He sighed sadly. "Unfortunately, yeah. So she does whatever she wants because she knows she'd still be treated like royalty. Life sucks."

I laughed silently. "Tell me about it."

Mr Park cleared his throat loudly and gave the two of us pointed looks, telling us with his eyes to behave. Noah and I quickly straightened up in our seats.

"Now today," Mr Park started, walking to the projector, "we'll be looking at...-"

He didn't get to complete that sentence because just then the door opened and a tall guy walked in. Immediately he walked in, the girls in the class started to squeal. I could only see his side profile so I didn't know what he looked like yet. But from what I could see from his side profile and creamy white skin, I figured he'd be drop-dead gorgeous. And I was right. After Mr Park finished scolding him for coming late and gave him a last warning, he finally turned to face the class and my breath hitched. Damn, this was one attractive guy. He had wavy jet-black hair and there was a kind of blue sheen to it, he had the bluest eyes I'd ever seen, they were way bluer than mine and looked to be glowing too. He was blessed with high cheekbones, perfectly arched dark eyebrows, sharp jawline and pale pink lips. He was lean but still looked strong and he looked really hot in his uniform that was like mine. I don't know why but I felt he looked oddly familiar, like I'd seen him somewhere before but I couldn't place where.

His eyes flickered to mine for the briefest moment before flicking away. With his hands in his pocket and a black backpack slung over one shoulder, he strode over to a desk that was right beside me and Noah's, there was just a wide gap between us. I noticed that Maddie girl looking at the guy with a lovesick expression, trying to get his attention in which the guy didn't even spare her a glance.

"That's Jacob. He's also a member of the crew." Noah informed me quietly. "And Maddie has been pinning over him since forever but he won't even talk to her. She's never given up though." he snickered.

Served her right.

Jacob had not even settled down completely when the door opened again and another tall guy strode in. This was another drop-dead gorgeous guy, more squeals came from the girls and even Mr Park looked exasperated. This guy was brown- skinned just like Lilli, but with caramel hair which fell over his head in soft curls and eyes the same color with his hair. He also had perfectly arched dark eyebrows like Jacob, with a straight nose and high cheekbones, perfect jawline and reddish-pinkish pouty lips. He was a little bit smaller than Jacob but that didn't hinder his height as they were almost the same. He had on an oversized black hoodie over his uniform that was the same as mine, which made him look alluring and very sexy.

"That's Remy, also a member and the best swordsman in school." Noah informed me again like a reporter. I appreciated it though.

"You mean he's like a ninja?" I asked with furrowed eyebrows.

Noah shrugged. "More or less."

Just as Jacob did, Remy also rested his gaze on me and scanned my face thoroughly which made me flustered before moving his eyes away. He strode to very back and settled down.

Class then started immediately and as Noah predicted, it was very boring. I was more than relieved when the bell rang for the period to come to an end. After packing my things and putting them inside my backpack, I slung it over a shoulder and headed for the door with Noah beside me.

"You don't remember me." a deep voice said. It was more like a statement.

I stopped short, wondering if it was me the person was referring to. I turned and found Jacob looking me straight in the eyes. Was he talking to me? Everyone was already staring at us, especially Maddie, wanting to know what was going on. Even Noah was confused.

Jacob just stood to his feet calmly and grabbed his backpack. As he was passing by me, he stopped and leaned close to my ear making me shiver involuntarily.

"Don't go around calling people sissies." he whispered, before straightening to his full height and striding out of the class. Immediately he left, the whispers started. Exactly what I've been trying to avoid, not to be put in the spotlight.

"You guys know each other?" Noah asked in confusion.

I shook my head. "I don't know him. He must have mistaken me for someone else. I'm just seeing him for the fir...-" I didn't get to complete that sentence because one word came to mind right then. Sissy.

I gasped, looking at Noah with wide eyes. I remembered him now. I remembered where I'd seen him before. It was at my house, on my ninth birthday. He was there with his sister, Maisie, who was one of Asher and Noelle's friends. She was also a member of the first ever crew which would explain Jacob being a member now. I remembered ogling at the very handsome boy who looked like he was from another planet. I'd tried to get him play with me but he wouldn't even spare me a glance. Then I got angry and called him a sissy while pushing him viciously. I didn't think he'd push me back as I was a girl. How wrong I was! He pushed me so hard that I fell to the floor. I was shocked at first then that shock turned into fury and I quickly got up and pounced on him. He didn't hold back either, it was the adults who finally separated us. I went to bed that day with a swollen lip while Jacob went home with a bruised eye. My worst birthday ever. I hadn't seen him ever since then and I didn't even think I'd see him again.

I just prayed he kept his mouth and not reveal my identity.

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