Chapter 2: I don't remember asking for your fucking opinion.

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I couldn't think straight anymore. Various thoughts were swimming at the back of my mind and I couldn't focus on anything. Asher had called me after seeing my text saying he was coming down here tomorrow, that he'd pick me up after school. He told me to be calm and hinted at leaving my school which I immediately refused. I told him I could manage fine on my own, that I wasn't going to some superhero school like he and Noelle did and like the twins probably would when they grew older. I was happy here, I was used to how I was treated here which probably had to do with my bitchy attitude, I didn't want to go to some stupid school and start all over again. He just sighed and told me he loved me and that Noelle and the twins couldn't wait to see me. That made me smile.

"Kenna!" Someone called out urgently, bringing me out abruptly from my thoughts. I looked around, meeting the gazes of my 'friends', who were seated like me at the table specially reserved for us at the cafeteria.

"Huh? What were you saying?" I asked, clearing my throat.

Andrew, the one who called me shot me an incredulous look. "Dude, you've been spacing out on us for almost a minute! Care to share some thoughts?" he asked, winking pervertedly.

The rest laughed, Ariana's being the loudest and most disgusting of them all. Dylan, my 'boyfriend' just shook his head at me from where he was sitting opposite me and laughed along, touching her arm. I felt anger bubbling up inside me and the bulb directly above us dimmed a little before returning to its normal state. No one really noticed. I stared down at my hands which were hidden inside my laps with wide eyes and stifled a gasp. It was happening again. Little bolts of electricity covered my hands.

"Are you okay?" Dylan asked with an arched eyebrow and a smirk. You know, sometimes I wondered why the fuck I agreed to date him when all he did was treat me like shit and constantly demand for sex, which I never agreed to of course. There wasn't even anything remotely fascinating about him. He was just a plain looking boy with bland gray eyes and wavy dark hair. Maybe because he came from a really rich family or maybe he was very outgoing that people found him fascinating. I was one of those people, but that was before. Now he just irritated me.

I let out a smirk of my own. "I'm good babe. So what were you guys talking about?"

"I'm throwing a party tonight, you coming?" Isobel asked, genuinely curious. She was the only one who was genuinely interested in me. Or maybe it was all an act too.

I thought about what she said, should I risk having my newly found powers getting discovered and go? Or should I ditch? The first idea looked very tempting but I couldn't act rash and stupid. The last thing I wanted was for anyone to call me a freak.

I shook my head, faking an apologetic look. "I can't. My brother is coming over." Well, technically he was coming tomorrow but they didn't need to know that.

Katie let out a dreamy sigh. "I would kill to be in your position. Your brother is sooo hot." Isobel laughed and nodded, agreeing with her.

"No worries." she said, giving me a warm smile which I returned.

"Yeah, it's not like we would even notice your absence." Ariana added with a smirk. Andrew and Katie hooted at the jab. Isobel just shook her head and smiled while Dylan shook with laughter.

I told myself to calm down and smiled brightly at the brown haired bitch. "I don't remember asking for your fucking opinion, so do me a favor and shut the fuck up." I said sweetly, looking her square in the eyes.

The others stopped laughing and looked from me to the bright red face of Ariana. What? She deserved it.

Dylan let out an annoyed click of his tongue and shot me a hard glare. "Calm the fuck down, Kenna. It was just a joke."

I stared at him with an unbelievable look. Was he actually standing up for her? Was he that whipped about her? I wasn't stupid, I knew he was clearly hooking up with her. I never confronted him about it because I liked having a boy around to lean on, even though he was a cheat and only kept me around for popularity.

I let out a laugh. "Sure it was." I replied, giving him a steely look. He looked away and concentrated on Ariana.

Isobel cleared her throat, as if to clear the tension hanging in the air. "So, umm, the rest of you are coming? Just to be sure." she said awkwardly.

Ariana glared daggers at me. "We are." she smiled sweetly and placed a hand on Dylan's arm, gently stroking it.

Fucking bitch. Just then the bell rang and I stood to my feet, returning her smile. I strode purposefully over to Dylan and bent down to his level as he was still sitting down and I passionately kissed him, slipping my tongue in. He eagerly responded, cradling my head gently. I heard some disgusted sounds Katie and Andrew and some other kids were making. They could go fuck themselves. I finally pulled away, breathless.

"See you soon, babe." I whispered to Dylan, who was busy staring lustfully at my lips. I wanted to throw up all over him.

"Yeah, yeah. Sure." He replied distractedly.

I smiled and straightened myself. I looked over to Ariana who had gone red in the face again and was clenching her fists tightly. I let out a smug grin, I couldn't help it.

"See you in History class, Ariana. Bye guys." I chirped, giving them a wave and then strutted out of the cafeteria. God, being a bitch was awesome.

Is it bad if I say I love McKenna's bitchy attitude😅? 'COS I LOVE IT!!! Do not judge her or anyone else, no one is perfect.

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