Chapter 7 : Goodbye Skye High

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Today, I was a man on a mission,  I thought to myself as I drove to school. A girl rather. I got to school in no time and turned off the engine but I didn't move from the spot. I just sat there thinking, calculating, as I gripped the wheels in concentration. Asher was right, his pep talk didn't move me at all last night, what did move me was Isobel's text message which came in right after my brother left. It said;

STAY AWAY FROM BLAIR AND AALIYAH. They're not interested in you one bit 一 I overheard them talking bad about you in the bathroom 一 and only want to humiliate you in the worst possible way. I think they're going to do something to you at lunch but I don't know wat exactly. Just said I shud warn u. Be careful. I think you're a great person, McKenna. I've always thought so.

9:47 pm

I'd stared at the message for some minutes before thinking, fuck it. I was sick and tired of dealing with these kinds of people. I just wanted a break. So I rushed to Asher and Noelle's room and informed them I changed my mind. I was going to that goddamn superpower school but I wasn't going to leave here without teaching these bitches a lesson.

A sharp rap at the window made me jump in fright, bringing me out of my thoughts. I looked and saw that it was them. Wow, they found me real quick. I quickly patted my hair down, smoothen my uniform, grabbed my backpack before opening the door and stepping out of the car.

"Hey, girl how are you?!" Blair asked with a big smile, giving me a side hug which made my skin crawl in disgust.

I let a fake smile make its way onto my face and returned the hug saying, "I'm fine. Hey Aaliyah."

"Hi." She said, linking arms with me, "come on, let's go or we'll be late." she told us.

Blair nodded, before also linking arms with me at my other side. We walked to the doors together, like we were fucking besties. I could feel the curious gazes people sent our way as we strutted along the hallways and I couldn't blame them, I mean I've never crossed paths with these two before, until yesterday.

"Wait." I spoke up, slowing my steps. "Umm I thought about it and I decided that uh, I'd like to sit with you guys for-for lunch. I-if that's okay with you." I said, putting on a shy expression and deliberately stuttering. I hope I didn't look constipated.

They both shared a look and smiled 一  more like smirked 一 and I didn't miss the wicked gleam in their eyes, like they were hiding something. Seems like Isobel was right.

"That's great!" Blair squealed happily but I noticed it didn't come from her eyes and sounded fake.

"Ariana and the others would be sooo jealous." Aaliyah laughed, giving Blair another look. What's with the slimy looks bitches??

"I can't wait then!" I said, grinning wickedly at them.

             *                *               *

As we pushed open the cafeteria doors, the chattering died as everyone took us in before the whispers began. Well not really as I could hear them loud and clear.

"What's she doing with them?? Don't tell me they're taking her in. They're basically degrading themselves!"

"Seriously, how shameless can she get?!"

"Why do you guys always trash-talk Kenna when she's done nothing wrong?! Bunch of hypocrites!" Bless that person, I could kiss her right now for defending me.

"Only jealous people trash-talk for dumb reasons." Another person said, making me smile.

"Of course only guys like you would support a slut. It's better you shut up."

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