Chapter 22: Happy birthday, little doll.

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"Happy birthday to youuuuu..." Lily and Noah ended the song in chorus, holding out a chocolate fudge cake with eighteen candles on top. Yep, I was finally an adult today, yay me.

"You guys...-" I whimpered softly, as tears began to pool in my eyes. I was so touched, I mean they really surprised me. I didn't even tell them it was today, (I wonder how they even found out) well I actually forgot. In my defence, I wasn't a fan of birthdays, ever since my ninth birthday I practically stopped acknowledging them. I blame Jacob for that. Anyways, we'd just finished training class, me trying my best to ignore Remy's intense gaze, and the next thing I knew, I was being dragged all the way to our room by Lilli and Noah. And this happened.

"Awww she's crying." Lilli cooed, nudging Noah with her elbow.

"Shut up." I pouted, wiping my tears away while giving her the stink eye.

"Yeah Meliah, shut up." Noah added with a sly grin at her.

"You shut up. And don't call me that, you idiot." Lilli retorted sharply, glaring at him.

Noah merely rolled his eyes. "Whatever you say, Meliah. Now Kenna, blow out your candles and make a wish."

Lilli looked she wanted to slap him but thought better of it and just sighed instead. Chuckling at the both of them, I shook my head before blowing out the candles. Then closing my eyes, I made a wish 一 I wished to live a happy life with my friends and family. Remy included. Very, very included.

When I opened my eyes, I was met with the curious gazes of my best friends.

"Well, what did you wish for?!" Noah asked in excitement.

Before I could reply, Lilli answered for me, "If she told you, then it wouldn't come true stupid." she berated like a mother scolding her naughty child.

"You know, you guys fight like an old married couple." I teased, settling down on my bed and pulling off the black fingerless gloves I had on.

"Ewwwww!" Lilli shrieked in disgust, while Noah just blushed deeply. I began to feel bad for him, maybe I shouldn't have said that, knowing his unrequited love for Lilli.

"Anyways," Lilli started, setting the cake on her reading table and then checking a drawer for something before coming over to my side when she found whatever she was looking for, "I got something for you. Here." she held out her hand, grinning excitedly at me.

Pleasantly surprised, I took the beautiful bracelet from her hand. It was really pretty, with all the ice blue amulets hanging all around it.

"It's a charm bracelet, in every sense of the word. It'll protect you whenever you're in danger but I have to say, it can't protect you from witches since it was made by one. Me." she explained seriously. "I could also track you with it, just in case anything happens." she concluded with a gentle smile.

"It's really pretty. Thank you Lilli, I love it." I told her sincerely, feeling so touched by everything.

She blushed, waving my appreciation off. "You deserve it." she said, helping me put it on my wrist.

Once on my wrist, I lifted my hand up to admire it properly. It was beautiful. Then I looked up at Noah in anticipation.

He just groaned, amusement shining in his eyes. He came over to my other side and told me to close my eyes. "No peeking." he warned.

Nodding in acquiescence, I closed my eyes with a big grin on my face. I wondered what his present was. Soon, I felt something long and sleek in my hands, what was this? Don't tell me...

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