Chapter 23: That's what best friends do.

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"Noah and I kissed."

I choked on the chocolate bar I was munching on and started coughing violently, repeatedly hitting my chest.

"Are you...okay?" Lilli asked worriedly, patting my back gently as I looked at her incredulously.

What the actual fuck? We were lazing around in our room as school had ended for the day. Several weeks had passed since my birthday and I have to say, things were great between Remy and I. We weren't exactly dating though we'd gone on a couple of dates, we were trying to take things slow, know more about each other and stuff, you know. Anyways, that was not the main issue as I was still staring at Lilli with a shocked expression.

"Stop looking at me like that." she said nervously.

Suddenly I laughed, hitting her arm playfully. "You're joking, right? There's no way you guys kissed when you and Jacob are dating."

It was true. They really were dating, albeit very recently, like a week ago which left Maddie looking as if she was run over by ten trucks when the news came out. There was nothing she could do though except to glare evilly at Lilli and make snide remarks about her which I was there to defend her. I knew she was only holding back because of 'her' Jake, if not, God knew what that bitch and her minions would've done to either Lilli or me.

As for Noah, he looked like a walking dead though he tried to hide his feelings by acting normal but I could tell he wasn't happy at all. We even had a long talk about it in which he told me he'd tried killing his feelings several times but to no avail. And that his feelings for her were real and genuine and that he actually hadn't slept with anyone in a very long time. I didn't know what to tell him except that it would be okay. I really felt bad for him.

Lilli looked as if tears were going to trail down her cheeks any minute. "I'm not joking, Kenna. I'm being serious."

My smile froze and my face returned to its shocked expression. "Shit. How? Why??" I asked her in a shocked tone. Damn, wasn't it cheating?

"I don't know! We were in the just happened." she answered, sniffing.

"But that's cheating!" I cried out, gripping her shoulders.

"Do you think I don't know that?!" she bit back angrily.

I calmed down, realizing I had no idea of what she was going through. It could happen to anyone so I had no right to act self-righteous  like I was above her or something. She wouldn't have told me this if she didn't trust me.

I sighed. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to yell at you. Are you okay?" I asked softly.

She finally broke down, sobbing her eyes out while I cradled her in my arms.

"I-I know it was w-wrong, but-but I think I'm in l-love with him!" she cried.

I was speechless. On one hand, I was happy, ecstatic even, about her confession. Noah had a chance, yay! On the other hand, damn...this was one complicated issue. What about Jacob? What would happen to their relationship?

"You have to tell him, Lilli."

"But what about J-Jacob?" she sniffed.

"Well, what do you feel towards him?"

"I don't know! I'm so fucking confused, Kenna."

"Then take your time to figure it out. You don't have to tell anyone anything for now." I told her comfortingly.

Lilli nodded slowly before asking in a small voice, "Do you think of me as a cheap slut now?"

I thought for a minute before answering, "To be honest, no. It could happen to anyone, including me. I know you didn't mean to do it. But, you have to come clean with both Noah and Jacob once you figure out your feelings."

"I will." she declared with a resolute expression. "And thank you for being here." she said softly, gazing gently at me with her honey colored eyes.

"That's what best friends do." I winked, grinning widely at her which made her laugh.

Just then, a notification sound from my phone interrupted our moment. Cussing, I whipped it out from the pocket of my jeans and checked what it was while Lilli looked curiously at me. What I saw made me look at her alarm.

"What is it?" she asked in confusion before snatching the phone from me. She soon gasped and looked at me in alarm too. It was a message from...Jacob.

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