Chapter 21: Her birthday is tomorrow.

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I'd just pulled my sweatshirt over my damp head as I'd just finished showering, when three consecutive knocks sounded on my door. Perks of being a member of the crew, you get to have your own room. I sighed deeply before walking towards it, already clad in the sweatshirt. I just hoped it wasn't some girl trying to sleep with me, it wouldn't be the first time a girl would come here in the hopes of having sex with me. Disgusting.

Without even asking who it was, I yanked the door open and slammed it shut after seeing who it was. What was that dick doing here? I wondered, turning around and there he was, making himself comfortable on my bed.

Clenching my fists in anger, I growled, "Get out you dickhead."

He just laughed amusedly. "Now is that the way to talk to your brother?"

"We're not brothers, Jacob. Don't forget." I retorted harshly.

He stopped smiling and looked away in guilt. I closed my eyes to try to reign in my anger, I already had enough on my plate right now, no need to waste my anger on him. He wasn't wrong though, about us being brothers, 'cause we really were. Not blood brothers though. I was an orphan, Mom died while giving birth to me and since there was no Dad in my life, I was taken in by an orphanage home. I lived there like a normal human being until I was six. When I was six I found out I could create illusions, make you see your biggest dream or worst nightmare and not only that, I had a dark force or entity residing in me. Meaning, when I couldn't control my anger, my back sprouted huge, black wings, my eyes and hair turned completely dark and I had fangs like a vampire. And coincidentally, Jacob's mom witnessed my very first transformation that year as I was getting bullied by three big boys. She came to inspect the orphanage home as a welfare officer when she witnessed it. She helped me fight it, telling me assuring words. That very day, I was adopted. At first I didn't know whether to trust her or not but when I saw the love and empathy in her eyes, I figured I could trust her.

When we got home, I discovered she already had children of her own and I was to be the youngest, Jacob being older by two months. I also discovered that they all had powers like me, which comforted me immensely. Dad and Maisie pretty much loved me the moment they saw me but Jacob, I could tell he didn't like the idea of having another sibling. I mean, it was all so sudden. Anyways, he never liked talking to me, always left me out, made fun of my eyes, and when we both got to middle school, it got worse. He was embarrassed of me being his brother and me being weak and small didn't help things. Jacob had always been the golden boy in every school we went to, he had the looks, the brains, the charm and me, I was so different from him. I was that weird kid everyone made fun of all the time. As a result, I was always bullied, Jacob saved me every single time but I could tell he wasn't happy about it as people would remember we were related. There was a day I got bullied which he saved me as usual, but he said one thing that made me steel my heart. He snapped at me for being such a wimp and told me he didn't want a weak brother like me. He told me he wished I never came home with Mom. I remember how hurt I felt, so I vowed to be strong. I signed up for so many combat classes, karate, judo, taekwondo, and because of that I became withdrawn and unfeeling. I didn't talk much, just watched.

High school came and when we got here, Jacob basically told me we weren't brothers to which I agreed. We may be sharing the same last name but I would never acknowledge him as my brother. Not after he hurt and broke me.

I shook my head, trying to dispel the memories and opened my eyes. He was still sitting on my bed, watching me quietly.

"What do you want?" I asked tiredly.

"Her birthday is tomorrow." he stated quietly. I paused for a moment, of course I knew who he was talking about. I'd have gone to that birthday party many years ago if not for the fact I was down with the flu. She'd been haunting my dreams ever since the first time I saw her. My little doll. But she was angry with me right now, I thought, running my fingers through my hair. God, why was I so stupid? I really thought she and this dickhead in front of me had something going on, I was angry and couldn't believe my so-called brother would get the girl I liked so I fucked everything up.

"Why are you telling me?" I asked, crossing my arms and shooting him a look.

"It's my fault everything that happened, happened. And I-I'm sorry, she's angry with you because of me so that's why I wanna help y...-"

"I don't need your fucking help alright?! Just save your stupid speech." I cut him off brutally. "If that's all, you can please get the fuck out."


"Don't call me that, you dick! You're not fit to say my full name. It's Remy to you!"

"What can I do to make it up to you??! I'm really sorry...-" he yelled, standing to his feet.

"You don't need to do anything 'cause you and I, we'll never be brothers." I smiled coldly. "Please get the fuck out now."

He opened his mouth several times before shutting it and heading to the door. As he walked past me, I stopped him saying, "And about my little 一 Kenna, I'll make it up to her on my own so you should mind your business and don't interfere."

He sighed and nodded, before fading through the door. Immediately he was gone, I slid slowly to the floor, taking deep breaths.

"Fuck, Remy, breathe in, breathe out, that's it." I muttered breathlessly. Damn it, my anxiety was working up again.

Once I could breathe properly, I made my way to my bed and fell gently on it. Her birthday was tomorrow, damn, what will I get my little doll?

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