Chapter 10: You are one crazy weirdo.

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"What happened to your former roommate?" I asked Lilli in curiosity, stretching my body on the comfortable bed. She'd helped me with unpacking my things so we were just chilling in the spacious room. The dorm I was allocated to was called Bevin House in which the ground floor was the dining hall, the first and second floors were for the residential quarters. There were three more dorms; Mauve, Skye Hall and Grayson House. Lilli told me pitifully that our dorm was the most boring, nothing exciting ever happened. Perfect for me. Me and Lilli's room was really spacious even though it had only two occupants. The beds were placed on each side of the walls, mine on the right, Lilli on the left. Overall, the room was clean and bright.

Lilli rolled over, so that she was facing me and answered, "Paige had an accident. She fell down the stairs and was seriously injured. She won't be coming back for the rest of the term." she said wistfully.

"Sorry." I told her, feeling a little bit bad for her. She must be missing her.

"What are you apologizing for?" she asked, laughing. "I'm only sad because she always helped me with my homework. She's really, really smart." she stated, smiling cheekily at me.

I just gaped at her. Seriously, this was the third time she'd made me speechless.

"You're weird." I told her, shaking my head.

Lilli just grinned. "I've been called worse."

"How long have you been here for?" I asked her.

She held up three fingers. "Three boring years. Well it wasn't at first, I wasn't always at Bevin House you know, I was at Skye Hall. But I caused too many troubles, I guess, so Headmistress Lance had me transferred over here, the dorm for the responsible ones my ass." she scoffed at the last sentence.

I looked at her in awe and wondered what kind of troubles she caused that she had to be transferred. This girl just kept on surprising me every minute.

Lilli then looked at me as if she just remembered something, excitement shining in her eyes. "Fuck Kenna, I can't believe your brother is one of the legends in school. I can't believe you're really Asher Quinn's sister!" she squealed happily.

Oh she must have seen him coming out of the office. But how did she know who he was? How did he become a legend?

I snickered and rolled my eyes. "How is he a legend?" I asked, laughing at her. I never knew anything concerning Asher or Noelle being 'legends'.

She sat up quickly to explain. Oh boy. "Well, your brother was part of the first ever crew we had here. Your brother must not have explained it to you but a crew here is a group of people, like really popular kids, like the royalties of the school. Do you understand what I'm saying? They're worshipped by the school and your brother, Asher, was one of the members of the first ever crew formed. And an important one. Why? Because he was one of the school's hearthrobs and his girlfriend then was Noelle Black, who saved the world one time. Do you fucking understand now?!" She said all this in one breath, and at the same time looked as if she was going to beat me up.

Stupefied, I could only nod.

"Good. As I was saying, so ever since then it became a tradition. Members are always chosen in the junior year. If your sibling was a member of a past crew, then you'd automatically become one too. Or if you were really, really popular, like an extremely extroverted person, you would be chosen too. It's like a club really. The members are usually six in number. Your brother was a member, and even a legend, so that means you're automatically one too! I can't wait till everyone knows! I'm so fucking jealous!" she shrieked, while hitting my arm in excitement.

What the fucking hell? How did it come to this? I began to think, if I really became a member of the present crew, wouldn't I be a shining beacon to attention? Was God trying to punish me now? To be honest, all thoughts about sticking to those rules flew out of my head once I met Lilli. I really liked her and she seemed to like me too. I could tell from her eyes, they were always clear and showed her true emotions. I wouldn't mind at all if she was my only friend. But then I thought to myself, what was the point of making those rules in the first place? With a resolute expression, I decided to challenge myself and stick to those goddamn rules.

So I grabbed Lilli's hand and begged her in a pleading tone, "Could you keep it a secret? Please?"

She looked surprised that I would even say that. "Why? You'll be treated like royalty!"

I shook my head. "I'm not interested." I told her truthfully.

Lilli looked flabbergasted for a minute before chuckling. "You are one crazy weirdo." she said, looking at me incredulously.

"So would you keep it a secret?" I prodded.

She sighed. "Well it depends on how smart the rest are 'cause there's a photo album of the first ever crew members. But I won't say a word to anyone. If that's what you want." she said, giving me a gentle smile.

I smiled gratefully at her. "Thanks."

"So tell me, do you have pictures of your brother half-naked?"

What the...!!

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