Chapter 18: No. It's called being a fucking coward.

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"You also slapped Sabrina??! Are you crazy???!" I cried incredulously at Kenna as I pressed the ice pack to her swollen cheek with force.

She'd tried to hide her bruised cheek from me and Noah during lunch, by using her hair to cover it. But come on, I was a witch, my eyes never missed anything. I noticed it straight away and asked her about it and as expected she tried to brush it aside. I then grew mad, why was she always hiding things from me? Did she think I was stupid? I slammed my spoon on the table and stood to my feet, Kenna and Noah just staring at me in shock. I grabbed Kenna's arm and pulled her to her feet and proceeded to drag her away amidst her loud protests and Noah's gaping mouth. I dragged her all the way to our dorm, to our room and then threatened her to tell me what happened. After contemplating it, she finally told me everything. Everything. From the stupid rules she made for herself, to she and Jacob's deal and finally to her confrontation with Maddie, Alexa and Sabrina. I mean, I always knew Kenna wasn't just some simple girl, that she was only holding back her true self, but I never thought she'd manage get herself into trouble by slapping the queen bitch and her second-in-command. What the hell was she thinking?? Was she that fearless?

"Ouch. Easy Lilli, it hurts." she winced in pain, looking at me with guilty eyes.

"You think this hurts??" I asked sarcastically, pressing the ice pack harder, making her eyes water pitifully. "What exactly were you thinking Kenna?! Why the fuck would you make a deal with Jacob when you know Maddie's crazy for him?! Just because of a stupid rule about avoiding attention?! Now because of that, Maddie misunderstood everything!" I ranted angrily. I also felt guilty, as it was because of me she got into trouble. She was only trying to help Jacob but Maddie ended up misunderstanding and targeted Kenna instead of me.

"I don't regret doing what I did Lilli, who the fuck does Maddie think she is? And besides, I know you like Jacob too." she stated with a twinkle in her eyes.

"What are you talking about?" I spluttered, looking away with a flushed face. But she was right though, I did like Jacob. I mean which girl wouldn't? I was like every other girl with a huge crush on him. He was like Prince Charming in every girl's eyes. Including that bitch, Maddie. She was the reason I ignored all his secret gazes at me, of course I knew he had a thing for me, I wasn't stupid. Although I was very surprised. Why would he notice a girl like me? But I never dwelt much on it as I behaved like he didn't exist. Because I was scared of Maddie. I'd seen what that girl did to girls who tried to pursue Jacob and it never turned out well for them. I didn't want the same to happen to me as I knew I was being watched. Yes, I was a coward but I was only trying to save myself.

"You know I'm right. I watched you guys when you danced and you blushed the whole time!" Kenna snickered and then winced sharply in pain.

Feeling embarrassed, I could only tell her to shut up. "This isn't the time to laugh and joke around Kenna, Maddie's never going to let you off for what happened. You should have just begged for mercy." I said, trying to let her see reason.

She paused, looking at me with unreadable eyes which made me a little uncomfortable, before stopping my hand which was still pressing the ice pack onto her cheek. "I never took you for a coward, Lilli." she stated coldly, looking straight into my eyes.

Flustered, I tried to defend myself, "It's called saving yourself!" I cried indignantly.

"No. It's called being a fucking coward."

"You're also one. You're a coward for hiding your true self so stop acting so self-righteous!" I retorted, already vexed. Why did she have to judge me?

She laughed bitterly before shaking her head. "You wouldn't understand why I did that, but you're right, I am a coward. But not anymore." Kenna said fiercely, determination shining in her blue eyes.

Then she moved closer to me, placing her hands on my shoulders while smiling gently at me. "I know you can be brave too, Lilli. Maddie doesn't own Jacob, you have every right to like him, it's not a crime. It's her insecurities that has made her the way she is now. A self-centered bitch. But if you can't be brave 一 you don't need to worry, I'll fight for you and besides I'm her target. I can deal with her." she concluded with a wink.

I didn't know what to say as I was feeling all emotional. No one had ever said they'd fight for me, not even Noah who was my best friend, but this girl right here, whom I just met not so long ago, was saying it to me. Was this how it felt to have a true friend? No offense to Noah, he was still my bestie. But looking at Kenna, I think I'd soon have another bestie.

So I just hugged her, and just said with deep sincerity, "Thank you."  In my mind, I'd already made up my mind, I wasn't going to be a coward anymore. I won't be scared of Maddie anymore.

"And just so you know, you suck at keeping rules. You've broken all three of your rules and it hasn't even been a week you've spent here," I laughed at her, releasing her.

She also laughed, blushing embarrassedly. "Shut up." she pouted.

"So what are we going to do?" I asked her, referring to the Maddie's case.

Kenna only shrugged. "Nothing. Until she makes a move."

"Which I still fear is gonna destroy you." I told her truthfully.

"Don't worry. I've got you and Noah." she said while wiggling her eyebrows.

I just shook my head and grinned mischievously. "What about Remy? Don't think I don't notice it."

"I don't know what you're talking about." she replied, looking very flustered and I just laughed.

But the fear still lingered in my heart. What was Maddie going to do to Kenna?

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