Chapter 16: You look good baby.

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The party was well on its way when Lilli and I arrived, with the loud blaring of music and a lot of sweaty bodies pressing together which made me curl my lips in distaste. Well, this wasn't anything new as I went to a lot of parties with my former gang where Dylan would try to get me drunk so he could sleep with me or Ariana would spread baseless rumours of me to girls from other schools. Dressed in a simple cropped gray sweatshirt and blue boyfriend jeans with my white Nike air force, I somehow managed to convince Lilli to come with me saying I wanted to see how the party was, some shit like that. I got the feeling she didn't believe me, I mean my whole body ached as if I was run over by a train so why the hell would I still want to go to a stupid party?? She didn't question me though which I was grateful for as it meant she kinda trusted me. She was dressed in an attention-grabbing tight, short black dress that was sleeveless which brought out her incredible curves and light brown skin and paired it with white sneakers. Her curly hair was styled in an updo just like mine, with light makeup on her face whereas the only thing I had on my face was a nude lipstick coating my lips. Lilli was thoroughly disappointed and offered to do my makeup countless times to which I refused again and again. Not that I hated makeup, I just didn't feel like wearing one tonight.

The party was deep inside the forest at the back of the school which left me feeling awed and amazed. I particularly loved the woody scent and light breeze which helped to soothe my nerves. Lilli told me to wait and went to get us drinks, guys ogling at her as she walked by. I only rolled my eyes and shook my head but made sure to keep an eye on her. I decided to use that opportunity to text Jacob, so I quickly whipped out my phone and sent a text saying,

➡ We're here. I don't see u, where are u?

Just as I was about to keep my phone, it beeped indicating I had a new message.

⬅ Turn around.

I turned around and scanned the whole place before I found him with his friends, Ethan and Nikki who were also members of the crew. He was already looking at me, with an eyebrow raised as his eyes swept over my outfit and lack of makeup. I just glared at him before typing,

➡ What are u staring at dumbass?

⬅ You look good baby.

I raised my head to shoot him another glare and he only grinned at me, shooting me a wink.

Then I felt a hand on my shoulder which made me jump and shriek in fright, almost dropping my phone in the process. I quickly turned around, only to find Lilli staring at me weirdly.

"Are you okay?" she yelled, due to the noise, handing me a red plastic cup filled halfway and then took a gulp out of hers.

I tried to calm my erratic heartbeat as I replied, "Yeah. You just scared the crap out of me that's all." Pretty sure I looked like a thief caught in the act because that was exactly how I was feeling.

"What's this?" I asked tentatively, taking a sip out of my drink and I was hit with a slightly fruity sweetness and bitter taste. It seemed to be a mix of fruit juice and an alcoholic drink. I liked it. "This is good!" I yelled, grinning at her.

"I know right! Come on Kenna, let's go dance!" And with that, I was dragged onto the dance floor and soon we were moving our bodies to the beat. It was pretty great. As we danced, I tried to think of a way for Jacob to talk to Lilli. After dancing for a few minutes, I feigned tiredness and told her I was going to rest for a minute to which she agreed.

I quickly sent a message to Jacob, telling him his chance was here, Lilli was alone. I soon saw him coming my way, he mouthed, 'thank you' to which I only nodded and pushed him in the direction of the dance floor, telling him with my eyes to get on with it. He just grinned and disappeared into the midst of the crowd.

I decided I would talk to him later about how serious he was about my Lilli. I located a set of boulders at one corner and went to sit there, sipping my drink quietly. It was then I remembered with a start Maddie's obsession with Jacob and my heart was filled with dread. My God, what had I gotten Lilli into? How the hell did I forget all about Maddie for fuck's sake?? No, no, this couldn't continue anymore or Lilli would get hurt. Damn, what the hell was I thinking?

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