"Que faites-vous et pourquoi parliez-vous à Luna?" My mother spoke up in a yell-whispered voice. (What are you doing and why were you talking to Luna?)

"Rien. Juste de vieux amis qui rattrapent." I spoke back causing them to frown even more if that's possible. I know lying is not a good thing to do but I don't like them in my business. (Nothing. Just old friends catching up.)

"Old friends? You two catch up EVERY event." Golden boy said with a frown on his face. I rolled my eyes at my family because they were worrying over nothing. I had my fair share of women but I'm always going back to Luna.

"It's no concern brother. Like I said just two friends catching up." I smiled walking but Theo caught my arm and gave me a long staring look. I gave him a what look trying to figure out what's his problem.

"Don't get caught up, Brother." He said before letting me go. I started walking to the bathroom going in seeing some guy peeing at the urinal. I went next to him, doing my business also. When I finish he finished too.

I went to wash my hands and dried them as he washed his but he chuckled with a bitter tone. I stopped wiping my hands, trying to figure out why the guy is doing that. Is it towards me? I'm the only one in here with him. Maybe he's mentally ill or something.

"Are you okay?" I asked being the nice person I am. I don't talk to people that much and him being the first should say something.

He chuckled bitterly again, throwing his paper towel in his trash. "You were dancing with Luna?"

I arched a brow, throwing my paper towel in the trash. "Yeah. So?"

He chuckled bitterly again, getting closer to me and pointed his finger at me. "I don't care if you're the it Prince or not. You danced with my girl and you didn't ask me. That's disrespectful."

I laughed at little, shaking my head. "I didn't even know Luna had a boyfriend. Oh wait she's arranged to marry you right? She rarely talks about you when I'm deep in her making her scream my name." I smirked causing his face to get red by the minute.

Next thing I knew his fist connected to my face and it caught me by surprise but I deserved it. I just told the guy I'm always deep in his girlfriend which I don't regret saying.

I tackled the guy into the side of the bathroom stall which he groaned out in pain. I punched him in his face and he reacted by trying to tackle me into the urinal but I picked him up and threw him into it. He fell a little but he got back up pushing me into the wall.

He punched my eye and continued to hit me but as soon as he drew his fist back once more with his head a little closer to mine, I had the opportunity to headbutt him. He yelled out in pain, holding his forehead, stumbling back from me. I grabbed him and kneed him in the face which made him fall back on the bathroom floor.

I breathe out heavily, catching my breath. I felt liquid oozed from my lip and I put my index finger on it.

He got me I will say that.

I turned to the door to see a group of men looking at us both. I turned my head back around with closed my eyes, cursing in my head. My parents are going to kill me.

"Landon!! Why?!" Mother yelled out then she started cursing in French walking back and forth while father tried to calm her down. My phone kept vibrating because I'm getting mentioned in every social media.

Even social media I hardly even use. All because I had a whole fight in the bathroom with Prince Carter. The one Luna is supposedly marrying. I chuckled not knowing I did and mom stopped pacing with everyone looking at me.

Great now they're going to think that I'm making a whole joke about the situation. Mom gave me a serious look, walking closer towards me as I sat on the couch.

"You think this is funny?" She asked with a low voice and I gulped. Whenever mom use that voice, it's never good. She's definitely about to punish me for just chuckling out loud.

"No ma'am, I don't." I quickly stated but she laughed bitterly, turning away from me. Father tried to calm her down but she kept cursing him out in French also.

Father hold her by the shoulders but he quickly dropped his hands when she told him to let her go. She turned back around to give me a hard glare.

A glare I didn't like when she did it. "Landon our publicist and assistant are doing everything they can because of what you did. Whenever they straighten this out, I don't want you anywhere near Luna Monet. Your punishment will come. Dismiss from me."

I quickly left the living room, trying to figure out what I can do on my end to stop this madness. Prince Carter just really messed up my name. All because I socked him in the restroom.

Going up to my room, my phone continued to do what it's best at, vibrating every chance it got. I'm honestly getting tired of it. I huffed out in annoyance looking at my phone and noticed that Luna texted that she couldn't come and she's mad at me. I guess for beating her deranged boyfriend in the bathroom.

Throwing my phone down on my bed beside me, a knock came on the door and I instantly told whoever it was to come in.

One of the maids, which I don't know her name came in and curtsy with an ice pack. "Your Highness, Your Majesty wanted you to put an ice pack on your left eye."

I couldn't help but to look at the blonde hair girl. Her eyes were blue, her lips were a little plump and she's develop in her upper half.

Hmm, decisions... descisions.

A smirk came onto my face and I stood up from my bed, walking towards the maid. She gave me a scared look as I smirked, tapping a finger upon my lips. "How about, you do something for me and we'll forget the ice pack hmm? Are you of age?"

She nods her head with a confused look on her face. "I'm 22 Your Highness."

A smile crept upon my lips as my finger still touched them. "Very well then. Have you ever sex with a royal prince before?"

She shakes her head with a no but she had a confused look on her face still. "No your highness that's against the rules."

I started walking towards her as she backed up into one of the walls. Her chest heaved up and down a little as my left hand planted on the wall, looking down at the short girl looking at the blues eyes that were consuming me.

"Would you like to break the rules a little bit?" I questioned with a smile as she gave it a thought and just as I knew I compelled her, she threw the ice pack aside and bent me down to her level to kiss my lips. I kissed back throwing my tongue into hers and she moaned into my mouth. I pulled her close and slowly ran my hands down her back to her butt. She didn't have an ass but I still squeezed it.

We started taking each other clothes off but I stopped by locking my door and going back onto the maid.

Things just got better tonight. I'm suppose to do this with Luna but I've got to stay away from her and she's mad at me. I think this will be just fine.

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