With Leah, she was sitting at home reading Laurie R. King's 'Riviera Gold.' then her doorbell rang. She placed her book mark to save her current spot then placed it on the coffee table next to her and went to the door. She opened it to see Zoey.
"Hey, what's up?" Leah asked as she opened her door more.
"The sky." Zoey shrugged as she walked in.
"I figured that much. What are you doing here?"
"Can't I visit my sister?"
"You usually don't visit without reason."
"Okay I have a reason!" Zoey squealed.
"This I gotta hear." Leah said rolling her eyes as she sat on her couch and Zoey sat next to her, them facing each other.
"Okay, first; I was talking to Dak almost all night on the phone! And this morning too!"
"Oooo, Zo! That's amazing!" Leah gasped. "So, is he everything you imagined?"
"Way better than I could have ever imagined!"
"That's awesome! Are you two going to go somewhere, maybe?"
"No, he said maybe tomorrow."
"Awww, the disappointment."
"And second; I went out for my morning walk, and I see Zeke at your front door step with a bouquet of flowers. What was that for?"
"He took me to get breakfast."
"Oooo, was it a date?"
"No, it wasn't. And it was unexpected. I wake up, we talk a little, next thing I know he says 'oh, get ready, we're going to go and get breakfast.' I was kind of like 'excuse me?' It was just so random."
"Leah, I think he might be crushing on you."
Leah let out a dry chuckle. "Excuse me? Do you really, honest to God, think that he would be falling for me?"
"Yes! I do!"
Leah rolled her eyes. "You know what? New topic! What were you and Dak talking about for hours upon hours, knowing he had practice the next day?"
"Uhm, everything. What inspires us, what our favorite things are, you know, basic things."
"Okay, we did talk future, like how many kids we want and names."
"Oooo, interesting, tell me!"
"He told me that he wants around four kids at the most, and of course me being me, I had to make an argument about it. You know that I only want one or two, and I prefer it be boy the oldest then a girl as the youngest," Zoey smiled a little. "It was cute that he said he doesn't care the gender as long as they're healthy. But, Dak, come on, man. I want us to have two kids, not four."
"Still planning your future with him."
"I know for a fact he's going starting to fall for me! I mean, who wouldn't? Look at this face!" Zoey made an ugly face making the two laugh.
"Oh, Zekes family is coming tomorrow."
"Really? His mom and sisters?"
"Yeah, they're coming sometime after his practice, so he's gonna have to go home and shower then go straight to the airport."
"You're gonna meet your future in-laws!" Zoey smiled shaking Leahs shoulder.
"There is a high possibility I might not be able to meet them till until his game."
"Maybe. But what if out of nowhere he takes you with him to get his family."
"Then I'm honored?" Leah said more like a question.
"Leah." Zoey deadpanned.
"I'm sorry. But we know I'm not used to this. Having a good guy, we both know what my last boyfriend was like," Leah inhaled sharply at the thought of him. "I'm just worried I might ruin things. He's a really nice and genuine guy, Zo."
"I know, that's how I feel about Dak."
"But Dak doesn't have a past like Zeke does."
"That's true."
"Sometimes I feel like I don't know what to do anymore."
"It's okay, you'll figure it out."
"Anyways, let's talk about something else."
The two then talked for a few more hours and Leah looked at her phone to check the time. Her eyes widened a little seeing it was close to when Zeke and Leah had their little movie . . . date? . . . Leah stood up making her sibling look at her confused.
"I'm going to the movies with Zeke."
"Oh, a date?" Zoey said wiggling her brows.
"No, it's not a date."
"You wish it was."
"Maybe a little part of me does. But we're just friends."
"I feel like it's going to slowly change to benefits."
Leah looked at her with a deadpanned expression. "Don't ever say that."
"Imagine. Out of nowhere Zeke comes and—"
"I don't want you to say anymore. I am going to fix my hair and put on a little bit of makeup. You can go home."
Zoey rolled her eyes. "I want details tomorrow."
"Whatever, bye."
"Bye." Zoey said with a sarcastic wave as she left.
Leah went into her room. She began to apply eye shadow, mascara, curling her lashes, lip gloss, blush and highlighter, then she put on her fake lashes. Satisfied with her look, she grabbed her little purse as the doorbell rang. Leah went to the door and opened it and saw Zeke standing at the door. We was wearing a white shirt, black jeans, a black, white, and red leather mans jacket, and yellow Jordan's.
"Wow." Zeke gasped.
"How do I look?" Leah asked but his jaw was still dropped and his eyes were widened. "I look horrible, don't I?! It's fine, I'll change, we'll just miss the commercials." Leah said turning around but Zeke grabbed her wrist stopping her.
"No! Leah, you look gorgeous. It took me a moment to process that you were wearing makeup."
"Uh, huh. Sure." she deadpanned.
"If anything, I look like an ogre next to you. It's like Shrek, you're Fiona before she turns into an ogre, and I'm Shrek, the green hero."
"How are you my hero?"
"Because I'm dashing."
"Okay, one; you haven't saved me yet. Two; yes, you are dashing. And three; weren't you just comparing yourself to Shrek, like, five seconds ago?"
Zeke pressed his lips in a firm line. "And?"
Leah rolled her eyes with a little chuckle. "Come on, let's get out of my swamp."
Zeke smiled at her. He opened the door for Leah then held his hand out for her keys. Leah, being the jerk that she is, she gave him a high five.
"That's not what I meant." Zeke laughed.
"I know," she chuckled dropping the keys in his hand. "Is your car unlocked?"
"Yeah, why?"
Leah then dashed to the car and Zeke immediately chased after her. He grabbed her by her waist, holding her up.
"You thought."
"Damn it!" Leah grumbled.
"Baby, I run almost everyday, need I mind you."
"I thought I could out run you." she pouted.
Zeke held her in one arm as he began to lock the door. She kept on trying to get out of his grasp, but he held her tight.
"Can you not squirm?"
"No, I can't. You have one hella tight grip."
"Which is good for some circumstances."
Leah stopped and looked at Zeke wide eyed. " . . . What?"
Zeke realize how he worded it. "Not like the way you're thinking?!"
"What makes you think I'm thinking like that, get your head out of the gutter!"
"What makes you think that I'm thinking like that?!"
"Your reaction."
"What about you?!"
"I thought you were talking about fighting someone!"
Zeke face flushed from embarrassment. "Oh. That kind of makes sense."
"Yeah! Ya think?!"
Zeke threw Leah over his shoulder making her squeal a little. "A little warning next time?!"
"Nope, let's take you to my car."
   Leah crossed her arms as Zeke walked to his car. He opened the door and put Leah in her seat.
   "You have nice cologne."
   "Thank you." he said before he closed the door then went to the drivers side.
   They then began their drive to the movie theater. Leah looked at Zeke, his eyes focused on the road ahead of them. Her eyes traveled all over him making her bite her lip a little then she looked away out of the window.
Why are you checking him out?! You don't do that! . . . But imagine you two going home? Him pressing you against the wall, him leaving kisses along your neck. His hands rubbing and gripping your body. Leah thought to herself.
"Leah!" Zeke said shaking her shoulder a little snapping her out of her daze.
"Huh, what is it?" Leah asked.
"We're here, are you okay?"
"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine." Leah lied, trying to push away her thoughts.
"Uh, huh." Zeke said, obviously not believing her.
"I am!" she defended.
"Okay, okay. Let's go and get the tickets for Free Guy."
   "Whatever you say, Zekie." Leah smiled.
   Zeke rolled his eyes as he got out the car and opened the door for Leah. After the movie, they went to Pluckers for their dinner. They both made tons of jokes and were talking non stop. The workers at Pluckers had to remind the two that they were going to close soon.
   Zeke drove Leah to her home. Once he pulled in the front and put the car in park, he got out and opened the door for Leah.
   "I had fun tonight." Leah smiled as he walked her to her front door.
   "Me too. We should do this again or even do something else." Zeke smiled.
   "Well, we do have a Marvel marathon to look forward to. And we won't be spending much time together too since your family is coming down."
   "That's right, they're coming tomorrow!"
   "Stop forgetting already." Leah laughed.
    "Again, your beauty is making me forget everything."
   Leah rolled her eyes. "Right. I'll be expecting either messages or a phone call tomorrow, Zekie."
   "Yes, ma'am!" Zeke playfully saluted then gave Leah a hug. "Later, baby."
   "Later, Zekie."
   Zeke rolled his eyes as he watched Leah close her door. Leah got ready for bed and went to sleep with a gigantic smile on her face and little does she know, the same thing is happening to Zeke. Them both falling asleep, dreaming about each other.
(Here's Chapter Two, you're welcome for cliche and cringiness.😌👍)

Too Philophobic To Love || Ezekiel ElliottWhere stories live. Discover now