fat (24)

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"It has not even been two days, Alice, what's all this," Zayd asks and I throw a pillow at him. "Of course you'd judge" I grumble "I'm not judging" he exclaims "let me read this last manuscript, will you, please"

He sighs and sits beside me. He slowly lays down on my lap and I let him. Sigh

I ignore him,




"Zayyyyd" I whine "talk to me" he mumbles and slowly pulls the manuscript from my hand. I run my fingers through his hair and he closes his eyes "I'm sorry love" I tell him and he turns slightly to face me "you shouldn't be apologizing"

"Oh yeahhh, you're right. You got me pregnant you bloody fool" I tug on his hair and he winced

"I'm sorry" he tries to pry my fingers away from his hair.

I reluctantly release his hair then brush my hand through it to ease the pain. I do that for a while till he relaxed.

"Hey. Why don't you write your own book" he suggests and I hum in response "you think?"

"Yeah, it would be great, and you could get your boss to publish it for you"

"Yeah, Noah would do that for free"

"You see, you could also ask for a half-year leave for proper inspiration and concentration when you have a muse," he tells me and I ponder for a short while "that's a great idea Zayd, thank you" I already have the perfect muse.

(An: sorry to interrupt your reading but this might skip my mind if I wait till the end, so if y'all remember the 3 stories id be dedicating, this is your chance to reach out to me!, comment and vote a lot to be noticed and I would personally reach out to you and if you're eager you could just do so directly but you have to be active in this book one way or another for validity, Ill give more details at the end of the book as said earlier, this is just a reminder. Ive rambled enough, you may continue)


"What should I cook for lunch malady," says Danny, and I raise a brow "you never asked me before so don't start now, and I told you to call me Alison," I tell her and she sighs, she never seems to break the habit of calling me that, despite the number of times I've reprimanded her for it.

"Why did you ask" I inquire and she shrugs "just thought you'd want to have a choice with being pregnant and all," she says plainly

"If I wanted that, I would've cooked, so just...do you" I reassure and she walks away. Odd.

"And how's my lovely wife faring?" Came Zayd from nowhere. "Honestly, I miss the kids, I usually have something to do on a constant with them around but now, I'm boreeeeed!" I exclaim towards the end and he hugs me then sighs "I wish I could be around more to keep you, company love"

"Yeah, but you need to work and yada yada yada" I mock. "You know what, we'd go out for dinner tomorrow. How does that sound?" He suggests and I crane my neck to look at him "sounds like a date" I say with a small smile and he nods "it's a date" he exclaims and I laugh along with him.

"Wait, wait. You still have to do something so I don't get bored again tonight tho" I tell him after composing myself and he thinks for a while "after lunch, why don't we go and visit Ihsan for a bit then get ice cream" he informs and I smile.

My smile tho is quickly replaced by a frown "you have an appointment not long after lunch" I remind and he groans. "Okayyy. Umm. I'll drop you off there so when I'm done I'll come to get you so we can still have ice cream" he tries and I sigh. "That'll have to work" I grumble and he grins then kisses my forehead.

His child (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now