beauty and the beast(37)

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Ramadan is fast approaching, and everything has been hectic.

Getting the kids ready for our trip to Jahar in Kuwait Is proving to be very difficult. Jahar is Zayd's hometown, turns out, he is not from the UK as I first thought before we got married.

He said his family usually goes three during Ramadan and come back after eid, they only stopped to get us married.

When he told me about it and suggested I come with, I was beyond elated, that was a few months after I gave birth to Ayaan.

Kuwait is a small and peaceful country, they have lovely people as well, Al jahar is also very very nice. And we visit the pool reserve every single time we go there.

I wish I could stay there permanently but, I have a life here, and none there, my kids are here, my parents are here and I would die if I was away from them.

Well I wouldn't die

But I wouldn't survive

Well, you get what I mean.

My first day in Kuwait was magical basically, tho I think it's because I haven't really been to any place other than London and Madina throughout my life, any new place excites me.

Their people are very pretty and Allah knows I love being surrounded by beautiful people.

Tho I have no other kids except my own to take care of they are being very difficult. Yes, the childpocalypse is over! It was last weekend and I am more than happy.

They left, leaving me with only a broken vase to remember them by, oh I remember that day, it was not a pretty sight.

I walk into the playroom to gather the kids for lunch to find the boys playing catch with my vase. Not just any vase, a very expensive vase that I begged and pleaded for Zahra ma to get for me.

Don't ask me why I begged for a vase, cause even I don't know, all I am aware of is that, said vase is beautiful, worth more than a thousand and is flying across the room from child to child.

Just as I snap myself out of the shock, Alina walks in front of Jabir who is to catch the vase. It smacks her in the side of the head before crashing down to the ground in what seems to be slow motion.

Once it shatters I let out a scream and everyone goes still. "What have you done!"

Ah what a wonderful memory, not.

I continue to pack up the children's clothes, Alina Ayaan and Fahima get their own boxes and are to pack for themselves, tho I have to check on Fahima to make sure she gets all that's needed. Noor and Zayd's clothes go in one huge trolley while I packed Salma's clothes with mine.

Yes, we're about to travel, tomorrow for that matter.

We often go a week before so we can get settled in and prepare for Ramadan.

When I'm done I make my way to Fahima's room and find most of her wardrobe on the bed. She has a walk-in closet, just that she's too short to reach most places, and blah blah so we got her a wardrobe for the time being along with her younger siblings.

"What is this mess?" I ask and she spares me a glance "Mami, I only have two more outfits to choose and I can't decide between these five" she complains and I sigh because I see more than five scattered around the whole room. I told each of them to pick 10 outfits since we haven't really decided on making the house over there more homey by keeping clothes and such there.

I look around for a bit and spot two outfits that will suit her just fine. I raise a brow at her and she gives a satisfied nod.

"Clean up" I order then leave the room.

I go to the kitchen to grab a snack before sitting in front of the tv in the living room. I flip through channels before deciding on one.

I watch till the clock strikes 10 before making my way to each child's room to make sure they're asleep.

I get Salma from her play corner in her room and set her in the crib to tuck her in. I kiss her head and make dua before walking out, the precious thing was already asleep.

I didn't have to step into Zayn's room to know he was asleep, the room's dim windows are closed and his light snores are heard. I quietly mumble a dua before walking away to the next room.

Noor sits cross-legged on her bed waiting for me. "Storytime" she cheers when I walk in and I smile. "What do you want to hear about," I ask and she shrugs as I come closer to take a seat.

Hmm, what should I tell her about?

I promised Zayd id to allow him to tell the kids all the Islamic stories, I would've really liked to tell her about how Firaun (Pharaoh) and his people challenged Musa (A.S).

Hm, I guess I'll settle for beauty and the beast.

"So, there once was a prince who was turned into a beast by a witch because he was a very mean person, he lived a sad and broody life with only his magical household utensils to keep him company" I start and she widens her eyes in amazement. "The curse would only be broken when he finds true love," I tell her "but he's a beast," she says and I nod "that was the hard part. No one would love a beast. Then came belle. Her father's favorite daughter, he called her beauty.

One day she went to the beast's castle to look for her father cause he hadn't returned home and it was late. Instead, she found the beast, or should I say the beast found her" Noor gasps and I give a small chuckle at her fright the pull her close. "She begged the prince to let her father go but he had a condition, he said she had to live with him to keep him company" "forever?" She asked and I nod "forever".

"she agreed to tho because it was her father, what was she to do even tho he didn't agree with it, she went to live with the beast. She became miserable in her boredom and the prince wasn't a very interesting person to be around"

"Wasn't she afraid of him tho?"

"No, not really, she stood up to him many times" I laid her down and covered her up before proceeding "one day the price told beauty about why he was a beast, she had already softened him up with her persistence, he wasn't that mean anymore. She felt bad for him.

One day she up and left the house, without telling him, she went to visit her father. He went ballistic, destroying everything because he thought the one person who tolerated him had left him"

"he was in love with her wasn't he" she mumbled sleepily and I nod "Belle came back late and found the whole place a mess, she got worried and tried to soothe the beast's anger to no avail, she cried that night. It was a magical utensil that she had become very fond of that consoled her and told her the depth of the beast's past. As days went by her pity turned to love. And finally, he asked her to marry him, after they got married he turned back to his human prince form and they lived happily ever after" I had reduced my voice to a low lulling sound so she is now fast asleep.

I pray for her then kiss her head and walk out of the room

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