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"No, Zayd, Alina isn't at home, I told you I was taking them to my mum" I complain and he sighs "I'm sorry, I forgot" he mumbles "call the driver to take them there at least, I'm not allowing a bunch of kids to be at home alone," I tell him "no-no, the driver would just stay with them, I've already sent him a text" I sigh at his words.

"You haven't told me why you took Alina's phone" he starts and I sigh once again "you're on break right?"


"Come to my office then," I tell him and he says "on my way" before cutting the call.


"When was this?" He asks for the third time and I roll my eyes, he stopped processing anything I said after telling him I found out Alina has a boyfriend

"Zayd!" I whine and he rubs his hand down his face and then motions for me to carry on "Khausar is coming during the weekend" I say slowly and he raises a brow "she wanted to talk to her" I shrug and he rolls his eyes "since when did she become more important than me, you told her before me, come on Alison, I am her father and I'm here, why didn't you tell me first? When did you both become so close that you'd tell her that is three hours away and not me" he complains, I can tell he's upset he just doesn't want to get angry.

"I'm sorry love, you're right, I should have told you first. *sigh* I just didn't want you to act in the moment, without thinking it through, like you usually do for everything these days" I tell him and he frowns considering my words "makes sense I guess. Anyway, how are we punishing her?" He asks and I squint

"What‽" I roll my eyes at him "we're not," I tell him and he frowns "what's the plan then?" I smile and he scoots closer in anticipation "we let her think she's succeeded in fooling us till Khausar comes, 'd tell Khausar to play it cool tho when she does arrive and after careful planning, we expose her" I pause and he raises a brow "then what?"

"I'm not sure yet," I tell him and he facepalms "you are terrible at being the bad cop, really," he says and I squint "I appear as the bad cop either way Zayd" I remind but he shrugs it off.

"Just embarrass her in front of the boy and keep her on dish duty for a month, even when Danny cooks," he says and I give it a thought, it's not bad I guess.

"Okay, but you're telling her about the dish thing" with a groan he replies, "fineeeee"


"Khausar, welcome" it's the weekend and Khausar has finally arrived "assalamu alaikum," she says with a smile "Wa Alaikum Assalam" I reply and open the door wide enough for her to walk in. "We're leaving now miss Alison," the maids say and she nods at them with a broad smile "thank you"

As they walk out they notice khausar "good to see you again ma'am" they say but she only briefly regards them. I can see she wasn't and still isn't a pleasant boss.

They walk out and softly close the door behind them leaving us to our discussions. "The house changed" she notes and I nod "my mum and step mum redecorated before our wedding, since then Zayd and I have just been adding little things" I can tell it pains her to be in a house she once shared with her husband, this is her first time being back here.

I lead her to the living room where all the kids except Alina are watching tv. "Hey loves, come meet Alina's mother," I tell them and they gather around "Mami, I thought you were her mother," Noor says and I shake my head, "she is her mother. Don't be silly Alison, I'm her birth mother" Khausar cuts in earning a soft smile from me.

"These are Ayaan, Fahima, Noor, and Zayn" I introduce then head to the playpen to get a sleeping Salma. "And this precious little angel is Salma" she kisses all their heads as they greet her and awes when she sees Salma. I hand her over, careful not to wake her "she's so precious," she tells me with a broad smile which I return.

"Kids, can you excuse us for a while," I ask of them and they nod "but first, what's your name?" Ayaan asks and I roll my eyes "khausar" "khausar ma" I correct and she gives a soft smile in my direction. They all clear out after telling her how nice it was meeting her, leaving Salma of course.

"Sit," I tell her and she does so after handing back the baby which I set on my lap with her head on my bosom as she sleeps.

"Well, I and Zayd decided not to give her much of a tough time, I gave her back her phone, I wanted her to believe it's all good, so we are going to wait for her to expose herself, then we embarrass her in front of him. I don't know which kind of embarrassment would suffice, I'm hoping you could come up with that. But, make it seem like you're here for a normal visit" I explain and she nods, since she wanted to be a part of this so bad, I left the "embarrassment" part to her.


"Yes, Mami!"

"Call Alina," I tell him and he replies with an ok. I would've called her but she probably has an earpiece in.

"Mami? The brat said you called" she says as she starts to stroll in, "Oh baby, if anyone's a brat, it's you, now come say hi" I tell her and she makes a face, how mature.

Khausar turns and immediately Alina's eyes set on her she beams but then it slowly morphs into a frown and then confusion when she sees the smile on Khausars face. "Won't you hug your Ammi?" She asks sweetly before Alina made a move toward her.

I can clearly see the conflicted look on Alina's face which satisfies me beyond measure.

"Alice, who's car is... Oh," Zayd says as he walks in. "Assalamu alaikum," she says after Alina lets go of her. "Wa'alsikum Assalam".

His child (EDITING)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin